219. Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters

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The morning of September 1st, 1996 was far less chaotic than past trips to King's Cross usually were when the Weasleys were involved. When the Ministry cars arrived to transport them, they were all standing waiting for them, their trunks neatly packed beside them.

"Au revoir, 'Arry!" Fleur called, kissing him goodbye as they loaded up their trunks.

Althea had to stifle laughter as Ron, looking hopeful, rushed toward her only for Ginny, who was rolling her eyes, to trip him, sending him sprawling in a dirty heap at Fleur's feet. When they arrived at the station, they found two bearded aurors in deep black muggle suits waiting for them as well as Sadie, looking very odd in a long, black overcoat that set off her fiery red hair very well. She was talking quietly with her coworkers when they pulled up, but the moment the cars slowed, the three of them stepped forward, the two men flanking the group while Sadie went to the front, talking quietly with her aunt.

When they reached the barrier, she quickly gestured to one of the aurors who went through with Harry before going through with Althea. The third auror followed behind once the rest had passed through.

"So Dumbledore told you?" Althea muttered, glancing up at Sadie.

She nodded but gave no other sign that she knew anything about it other than giving her a gentle squeeze on her shoulder.

"Have a good term," she said with a smile.

When Althea waved goodbye, she began to follow Harry's gesture to the three of them to go find a compartment before Hermione awkwardly explained, "We can't, Harry. Ron and I've got to go to the prefect's carriage first and then patrol the corridors for a bit."

"Oh yeah, I forgot," Harry said.

"You'd better get straight on the train, all of you, you've only got a few minutes to go," Mrs Weasley said, glancing at her watch. "Well, have a lovely term, Ron."

"Mr Weasley, can I have a quick word?" Harry asked suddenly.

Althea gave him a confused look, but he ignored it as he and Mr Weasley retreated into a corner. A quarter of an hour later, they had all said their goodbyes and were on the train, Hermione and Ron off to their duties and Harry, Ginny, and Althea in the corridor.

Turning to the two of them, Harry asked, "Fancy trying to find a compartment?"

"I can't, Harry," Ginny said brightly. "I said I'd find Dean. See you later."

"Right," Harry said, sounding resigned.

As the two of them set off to look for a compartment, Althea thought she saw a touch of annoyance in his expression. When they had turned, however, there was something far more distracting that met their gaze. Harry was being stared at from every compartment and every corner by mesmerized girls.

"Hi," a voice behind them said.

"Neville!" Althea exclaimed brightly, rushing forward to embrace him.

Neville smiled warmly as he returned the embrace. Althea was surprised to find when they pulled away, that she did not want to let go. Neville's gaze lingered on her, the look in his eyes so warm, admiring, and so...she did not even know how to describe it. She almost felt as though she could be lost-

"Hello," Luna said from behind Neville, joining them.

"Luna, hi. How are you?" Harry asked.

"Very well, thank you," Luna said.

"Let's find seats," Harry said.

The four of them set off, looking along the train until they finally came to an empty compartment.

"They're even staring at us!" Neville exclaimed, helping put the four trunks up. "Because we're with you!"

"They're staring at you because you were at the Ministry too," Harry corrected. "Our little adventure there was all over the Daily Prophet, you must've seen it."

"Yes, I thought Gran would be angry about all the publicity," Neville admitted, sitting down beside Althea as Luna took the window seat beside Harry. "But she was really pleased. Says I'm starting to live up to my dad at long last. She bought me a new wand. Look!" As he showed the wand to the three of them, he added, "Cherry and unicorn hair. We think it was one of the last Ollivander ever sold. He vanished the next day - oi! Come back here, Trevor!"

As he dove under the seat, Luna asked, "Are we still doing DA meetings this year, Harry?"

"No point now that we've got rid of Umbridge, is there?" Harry replied with a shrug.

Bumping his head against the seat, Neville emerged looking severely disappointed as he exclaimed, "I liked the DA! I learned loads with you!"

"I enjoyed the meetings too," Luna said. "It was like having friends."

Before anyone could respond to this depressing statement, they all suddenly became aware of a group of giggling fourth-year girls outside their compartment. Althea rolled her eyes, giving them no more than a glance before she returned to her new potions book.

"You ask him!"

"No, you!"

"I'll do it!" the final girl finally said with a giggle. Opening the door, she fixed her eyes on Harry as she said, "Hi, Harry. I'm Romilda, Romilda Vane. Why don't you join us in our compartment? You don't have to be with them."

She was giving a cold look toward Neville, who was under the seat again looking for Trevor, Luna, who had one some odd glassed from her father's magazine, and Althea, who was reading and not paying the rest of them any attention.

"They're friends of mine," Harry said coldly, causing Althea to smile slightly, although she didn't look up.

"Oh," the girl said, looking surprised. "Oh. Okay."

When she had withdrawn, Luna said, "People expect you to have cooler friends than us."

"You are cool," Harry said shortly. "None of them was at the Ministry. They didn't fight with me."

Althea felt something within her twist uncomfortably. Slamming her book shut with more force than she intended, she said, "Neville, can I talk to you outside for a minute?"

Looking confused, he said, "Uh, sure. Give me one second."

Finally grabbing hold of Trevor, he got up, dusting himself off before following Althea out of the compartment.

The Disgraced of the House of Black - A Multi-Character Fanfiction - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now