231. The Secret Garden

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"Where are we going?" Althea said with a wide smile as Neville gently pulled her along the Hogwarts grounds.

It was a bright, sunny day. Althea could feel the warmth of the sun, embracing her skin with a pleasant warmth that brought a soothing calm to her spirit and a smile to her lips.

"You said you trusted me," Neville said deviously.

"I do, but I'm cursed with curiosity!" Althea said.

She let out a giggle as Neville broke into a run, pulling her with him as he replied, "Then we must satiate said curiosity!"

Althea ran with him, the wind pulling at her fiery hair as she sprinted with all her strength, letting go of Neville's hand as he trailed behind her, not quite fast enough to keep up. Althea ran until her strength and breath failed her. Her eyes closed as she inclined her head toward the sky, smiling as she felt the sun on her face, the blood pounding in her veins, her heart beating rapidly for once not from fear but exertion. She felt more alive than she had ever felt before that night in June, but that night was the farthest thing from her mind.

Neville caught up, coming to a breathless stop beside her as she opened her eyes. Her emerald eyes glowed in the light as she looked over at him, her auburn hair tumbling down her back in windswept curls.

"So," she said in a voice of breathless anticipation. "What is it you want to show me?"

"Come," Neville said, extending his hand.

Althea took it, smiling as she felt the warmth of his hand in her own. They passed first to the very edge of the grounds before reaching the Forbidden Forest. Althea didn't even hesitate as she followed him, ducking to avoid low-hanging branches as they pointed out and admired plants and animals along the way. Finally, however, they came to a place where the trees grew thick and impenetrable.

"Just right..." Neville said, running his hand along the side of a tree. "Here."

Althea gasped, her eyes wide in awe as the branches twisted, rising up until an entrance was revealed.

"Neville," she whispered. "How did you..."

"Professor Sprout told me about it," he explained, turning back to look at her. "Do you want to see inside?"

Althea let out an incredulous scoff as she said, "Neville, you brought me to a secret magical garden! Of course, I want to go in!"

"Well, then what's all this standing about for?" Neville said in mock impatience.

Giving him a playful glare, Althea gently hit his shoulder as she passed, but she forgot everything the moment she looked inside.

The leaves and branches above cast a rich, warm light over everything from the warm, soft grass below their feet to the chattering brook that ran through, fed by the waterfall trickling down in a light, yet very wide trickle into a surprisingly deep pool of water. Flowers bloomed all across the tall, gentle grass. The whole mass of it swayed in the gentle wind, seemingly calling out to them in greeting.

"Neville," Althea whispered, looking around at it all in awe. "This is...What is this place?"

"The most beautiful place in the world," Neville said.

"Yeah," Althea whispered, taking a step toward the waterfall. Beginning to smile, she looked back at Neville with a raised eyebrow as she asked, "Are you coming?"

"Coming where?" he asked in confusion.

Smiling wider, she broke into a run, rushing toward the pool of water. Neville let out a disbelieving laugh as he shook his head before following her. Althea kicked off her shoes and set aside her wand before jumping into the water. As she surfaced, Neville jumped too, sending the cool water splashing into her face. Althea let out a cry as it hit her, but the moment Neville surfaced, she quickly splashed him. In the splashing war that ensued, they got a great quantity of water both on each other and outside the pool.

When they had at last subsided, Althea leaned back, floating in the water as she stared up at the branches and leaves above them. Neville did the same. It was peaceful here in the forest, a place untouched by war, by misery, by torment. It was the first moment since the night in June where either felt sixteen and neither wanted it to ever end.

The Disgraced of the House of Black - A Multi-Character Fanfiction - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now