252. Topple

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Althea was sitting in the Common Room with Hermione, Ron, and Neville in front of the fire. It was proving to be a warm, sleepy evening for the group as Hermione read and Ron played a game of chess against Neville while Althea dozed against his shoulder, curled comfortably in a ball. The peace of the evening was shattered, however, as with a sudden bang, the portrait hole opened, revealing a rather flustered Harry.

"What does he want?" Hermione asked quickly as Althea jerked awake, rubbing her eyes with a small yawn. Seeing his rushed state, she added, "Harry, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Harry replied shortly, rushing past them up the stairs.

"What is it?" Althea asked sleepily, forcing herself to sit up so she didn't fall back asleep.

"Harry got back from meeting Dumbledore," Hermione said impatiently just as Harry returned, holding old parchment which they all knew to be his map that showed all of Hogwarts and a pair of old socks.

He quickly skidded to a halt beside them, muttering quickly, "I've got to be quick. Dumbledore thinks I'm getting my Invisibility Cloak. Listen, we're going after one of the Horcruxes. Dumbledore thinks it's in this old cave, but anyway...there's something else too. Do you see what this means? Dumbledore won't be here tonight, so Malfou's going to have another clear shot at whatever he's up to. No, listen to me!" he hissed as Althea opened her mouth in protest. "I know it was Malfoy celebrating in the Room of Requirement. Here-" Handing Hermione the map, he continued, "You've got to watch him and you've got to watch Snape too. Use anyone else who you can rustle up from the DA, Hermione, those contact Galleons still work, right? Dumbledore says he's put extra protection in the school, but if Snape's involved, he'll know what Dumbledore's protection is, and how to avoid it - but he won't be expecting you lot to be on the watch, will he?"

"Harry-" Althea began, now wide awake.

"I haven't got time to argue!" Harry interrupted. "Take this as well-"

"Harry!" Althea tried again as he handed Ron the old socks.

"Thea, get your lucky potion and take some tonight, that's what's in there too," Harry added, gesturing to the socks.

"Harry James Potter, listen to me!" Althea shouted, grabbing hold of his arms.

"What?" he snapped.

"Harry, Draco stopped what he was doing," Althea explained. "He told me he had! Dumbledore made a plan to protect him, to get him away from-"

"What?" Harry exclaimed, his brows furrowed. His expression clearing, he insisted, "Look, whatever plan you made, it's over now. He's gone back. Take the potion. I need to go."

Then before they could raise further protest, he was gone.

Althea released a long breath before she asked wearily, "Where is Draco right now?"

Shakily, Hermione opened the map and began searching it before she finally admitted, "He isn't on it."

Scoffing weakly, Althea muttered, "Stupid, terrified Draco."

Lowering a hand from her pale face, Althea said, "Summon the others, Hermione. I'll go get my potion."

"Thea," Neville said as she headed toward the stairs. When she turned to look at him, he asked, "How bad is this?"

Instead of answering, she moved forward, gently taking hold of him and bringing her lips to his own in a tender kiss. Pressing her forehead to hers, she pulled away slightly, keeping her eyes closed as a tear slid down her cheeks.

"If Harry is right and Draco has abandoned all hope that we can save him," she whispered, her voice breaking, "then this is worse than anything else that we've faced at this school."

Kissing him again, she gently let him go before turning to rush up the stairs.


Ellis stepped out of the Vanishing Cabinet, glancing around him curiously. They hadn't been told much beyond the fact that they would appear in some room no one else could access. It was filled with rows upon rows of what might easily be described as clutter. Once Ellis had stepped through, Draco closed the cabinet.

"You the last one?" he asked.

Ellis nodded. Draco looked almost as sickly as Ellis knew he did.

Seeing they had all arrived, Lyra said, "Shall we?"

Ellis flinched slightly at the sight of her cruel smirk, averting his gaze as they all moved toward the entrance, Draco clutching what appeared to be a shriveled hand. In the other hand, he held what appeared to be a black rock. When he reached the door, Draco glanced back at the others to ensure they were ready. At a nod from Bellatrix, he opened the door.


Althea was leaning against the corridor wall next to where the door would appear if they cared to pace back and forth. Luna and Ginny, the only other DA members who had bothered to show up, stood on the other side with Ron while Neville stood with Althea, his grip on his wand so tight his knuckles had turned white. Hermione had volunteered to hover outside Snape's office.

The rest of Althea's potion was sitting in her room, having used it to take a sip herself while the rest of Harry's had been divided between the others. They had been waiting around an hour when suddenly, the wall opened, revealing first the pale face and white-blond hair of Draco Malfoy. His eyes instantly met Althea's, who could only give a disappointed look before he flung something, casting them into darkness.

Althea heard someone cry out as footsteps echoed around them. However many Death Eaters Draco had brought in were enough to make more than enough noise. Althea instantly reached back for the wall, scrambling to find Neville's hand.

"Neville!" she cried.

"Here," he called back, finally grabbing hold of her hand.

"Everyone, move out of the corridor!" Althea shouted, keeping one hand on the wall while continuing to hold onto Neville with the other.

When they had finally reached light again, there was no sign of the group.

"Come on," Althea said firmly, breaking into a run as the others followed. "We need to know where they're going!"

As she rounded the corner, however, several figures appeared at the other end.

"Dad," Althea gasped in surprised relief as Remus, Bill, and Tonks rushed forward.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" Remus demanded worriedly, instantly grabbing hold of her by the shoulder to examine her.

"No, I'm fine, but there are Death Eaters who are-" Althea began, but at that moment a shout rose up from the floor below.

Althea instantly paled.

The Disgraced of the House of Black - A Multi-Character Fanfiction - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now