235. Silver and Opals

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It had not been a fun trip to Hogsmeade for any of them. They were once again intersected by Slughorn, an event that seemed to annoy Ron even more than Harry, but it was only worsened by their visit to the Three Broomsticks, where Ron was caught by Hermione to be staring at Madam Rosmerta, an event which seemed to annoy her very much.

It was for all these reasons that the moment they had all finished their butterbeer, Althea suggested, "Shall we call it a day and go back to school, then?"

They all nodded. As they got up and left, Althea's thoughts strayed to Neville. She had hoped to see him while they were there, but there had been no sign of him at all. She felt more disappointed by that fact than she had expected to be. She glanced over at Harry. He too seemed to look gloomy, more so, at least, than a bad day at Hogsmeade usually made him.

The wind was much harsher than it had been on their walk there, but as the howl roared in their ears, another sound reached them. It was the voices of Katie Bell and a friend of hers that she was walking with.

"It's nothing to do with you, Leanne!" Katie shouted with uncharacteristic sharpness.

Sleet was cascading around them, blocking their view of most things around, but they could still see Katie and Leanne. Through their obscured vision, however, they could all see as Leanne reached for the package in Katie's hands. As Katie tugged it back, however, it slipped from her grasp, falling at once to the ground. There was no time for anyone to grab it, however, for at that moment, Katie began to rise gracefully into the air, her arms outstretched. Her hair was whipping around her in the fierce wind, but her eyes were closed and her expression blank.

Then, when she had risen six feet into the air, she let out a terrible scream as her eyes flew open. It was a scream of anguish, filled with so much pain and terror, Althea instantly began to cry, covering her mouth with both hands. Leanne too screamed, lunging for Katie's ankles. Harry, Ron, and Hermione rushed forward too. Before they had struggled for long, however, Katie fell on top of them, writhing animalistically. They gently lowered her to the ground as Katie writhed and screamed.

"Stay there!" Harry shouted. "I'm going for help!"

While Harry ran back toward the school, Althea moved forward, shaking as she approached the package. Inside, she saw a ring of black opals set in an intricate necklace, each gleaming in the snow. Trembling and holding back tears, she took her scarf from around her neck and carefully picked up the necklace and its wrappings with her scarf. When she had wrapped it around several times, she put it carefully into her pocket.


The moment they arrived at the school, trailing behind Hagrid who was carrying Katie, Althea and the others found themselves facing Professor McGonagall. She looked pale, with anger or fear, Althea could not tell. Without a word, Althea carefully reached into her pocket and withdrew the scarf with the necklace.

"What is this?" McGonagall asked in confusion.

"It's the necklace Katie touched," Harry explained.

When this had been handed to Filch to take to Snape, McGonagall led the remaining five of them to her office. Leanne was sobbing, but while Althea was still trembling terribly, the other four of them were much calmer.

"Well?" McGonagall said sharply. "What happened?"

With much more sobbing, Leanne explained that while they had been at the Three Broomsticks, Katie had gone to the loo and come back acting odd and with a package she said she must deliver to Professor Dumbledore. It was when they had fought over it that the package had torn and fallen to the ground.

"All right," McGonagall said in a softer tone as Leanne was sobbing nearly hysterically. "Go up to the Hospital Wing, please, Leanne, and get Madam Pomfrey to give you something for shock." The moment she had gone, McGonagall rounded on the four of them as she remarked, "Why is it when something happens, it is always you four?"

Althea shakily lowered down into a chair, pressing her knuckles into her lips harshly as though to keep herself from vomiting.

When no one answered, McGonagall asked, "What happened when Katie touched the necklace?"

"She rose up into the air," Harry said. "And then began to scream and collapsed. Professor, can I see Professor Dumbledore, please?"

"The headmaster is away until Monday, Potter," McGonagall said in surprise.

"Away?" Harry repeated angrily.

"Yes, Potter, away!" McGonagall said tartly. "But anything you have to say about this horrible business can be said to me, I'm sure!"

Harry hesitated a moment before he finally said, "I think Draco Malfoy gave Katie that necklace, Professor."

The Disgraced of the House of Black - A Multi-Character Fanfiction - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now