48. Pete's Loyalty

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"You knew her?" Vegas asked me curiously.

"Yes! I mean, no." I let out a sigh, not really wanting to tell Vegas the exact situation of the occurrence, yet I was also aware that keeping things from Vegas would only complicate our situation more. Especially when it was something Vegas needed to get involved involve in.

"I saw her once. It was during the family war." I began my story-telling. "In Khun Korn's library, she was lying on the floor in Porsche's arm. That was the first and the last time I saw her."

"Of course. We were shot that night." Vegas stated the obvious. "What happened? What are you doing there? Uncle won't let just anyone into his library. Even my father and his sons need his permission to enter that room."

I can remember it clearly. I chased after Vegas from the parking lot. I remember the regret and the loss I felt as Vegas ran to find his father knowing how dangerous it was to get into the two elders' matter. He basically went into a suicidal situation. Right after, he confessed his feelings to me and kissed me.

"I went there because I followed you." I answered his question honestly, leaving out some details. "Once I reached there, that woman was already on the floor in Porsche's arm. That was the only time I saw her."

"Tell me more." Vegas asked for more details. Of course, I already expected him to ask more since we already reached out to this topic. "What really happened, Pete? Don't hide anything. Tell me the truth." Vegas tried to control his voice, making sure not to intimidate me. Still, I can hear the firmness in his tone.

I purposely avoided talking about that night because I didn't know how Vegas would react to knowing Khun Korn killed Khun Gun. One thing for sure, the Vegas I know from the memory, couldn't handle it well. Will Vegas handle it better this time, though?

"Khun Gun was as well, on the floor. With a bullet on his forehead. Khun Korn killed him." I stared at Vegas, whose eyes filled with rage as I finished my last sentence.

"You left this information out when you should have told me this first." I looked away from Vegas to see him form a fist with his hands. I gasped as I knew I must have enraged him. Still, I keep my composure, making sure I was seen calm even though my heart has already been beating hard.

"Resign!" Vegas raised his voice. I flinched without even really caught the word he just said. "No! Transfer to Minor family."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

"That old bastard even killed his own brother. What were you thinking still staying there?" That was it? That was what he was furious about?

"Khun Korn killed your father." I told Vegaa. This time, louder and clearer.

"Not really a surprise." Vegas shrugged as if it was not a big deal. As if he did not point his gun to Khun Korn. As if he had never tried to kill himself, thinking he had lost everything.

Forgetting about his little brother who was waiting for him to come back. Not even considering my feeling that was about to break into pieces if he really did die that time. Well, he did die, but later.

I told Vegas how he had reacted after Khun Korn killed Khun Gun. Vegas didn't even give much response hearing it.

"That Vegas believed he has lost you too." Vegas suddenly spoke after a few seconds of silence. I raised my head to see him, and our eyes met. "He lost the only person he can get recognition from, and he lost Pete too. That was why he acted that way." Vegas continued.

'I'm here, Vegas.' I was suddenly reminded of something I've long forgotten. How 'Pete' cried and begged for Vegas to start over with him.

"I did resign." I unconsciously say it aloud. "Pete resigned before he chased after Vegas. They almost get the chance to be together before they both get shot." I explained to Vegas as I realized him staring at me in confusion.

"See? Now that I am with you. I need nothing else. I can even leave this country tonight as long as you come with me." Vegas say it like he mean it.

"Are you going to leave Macau alone?" I asked with a chuckled.

"Shit..." He came to realization.

I laughed for a second before going back to our real business. I cleared my throat and said,"Now, let's continue."

"About Porsche's mother, do you think she is in the main family mansion?" Vegas asked.

"Let's say if Porsche's mother is really one of the factors triggering the war between both families, and Khun Gun attacked the mansion because of it, she probably is." I glanced at Vegas while mentioning his Pa's name. Seeing him being unbothered by it makes me relieved.

"Do you think there might be some secret door or passageway in Khun Korn's library. Is that even possible?" I asked.

My suspicion was not made up solely based on that one-time occasion where I first saw her in the library. It was a chaotic situation, anyone can enter the room without being noticed.

However, even in this timeline, I always observed the way in and out of the main family mansion from the cctvs in Arm's secret room at the basement whenever I had the time. Never did once I saw her or anyone suspicious while watching them.

"So you were in the room with Arm?" Vegas asked me. He was probably wondering because this was the first time I mentioned the room to him.

"Yes. Anyway, I'll try to find a way to get into Khun Korn's room." I told Vegas.

"You accepting Kinn's job to break into the Minor family mansion despite knowing what could happen is crazy enough, and now you want to break into uncle's forbidden room? Just how crazy can you become?" Vegas protested.

"Crazy enough to be with you."

"The only allowed crazy act you can do." Vegas said it while smiling. His hand reached mine.

He caressed my hand and said, "You know I can just give all the information you need without you having to break into the minor family mansion."

"That wouldn't help Khun Kinn and Porsche. He wants some solid evidence so that he is very sure that Porsche didn't betray him..." It somehow felt so wrong saying this.

Vegas caught me right away as he heard my descending tone. "Even you feel something is wrong with Kinn's order, am I right?"

"Why would he specifically order you to do it?"

"Because he trusted me? Because he knows Porsche and I are close, and I would do anything to help Porsche?" I gave some possible answers to Vegas.

Vegas let out a sigh, for I don't even know how many times that I had listed count of them. "He knew something about us. No one in their right mind would ask a person whose boyfriend is their enemy unless he is an idiot. Like Kinn."

"Khun Kinn knew?" My eyes widened. "What the hell did you do? Why haven't you told me?"

"What if he did it only to test your loyalty?" Vegas ignored my question.

I pulled my hand away from Vegas. I leaned backwards, fully depending on the chair to support my weight. I stared at Vegas. "That is more than enough reason to follow Khun Kinn's order."


I don't plan to post this today, but WE ARE GETTING ACTOR BIU BACK!!!!


I need to finish this as soon as I can. Wish me luck, guys 💙💪💪.

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