26. Negotiation

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So... this is the consequences I have to face for changing the past? I get to save Porsche from being suspected by Khun Kinn, but I got suspected instead in the return.

At least I won't have to break into Vegas' office to find the evidence to prove Porsche's innocence and got caught by Vegas. The trauma I had back then was far more painful than this one. It's not that bad, I guess?

I was not sure what they were talking about until Khun Kinn asked me his first question. "What is your connection with Don's family?"

My connection with other mafia family? I was literally brought here by his father from my island to serve them. I've been working with them throughout my youth and now he is asking if I have any connection with other mafia family?

Then, Khun Kinn changed his question without me answering. "All right. How do you know about Tawan? How do you know he is back?"

I was about to answer the question, but Khun Noo was faster. He answered it on my behalf. "Everyone knows that. The rumour has been passed around. Even I knew it."

"Okay." Kinn accepted Khun Noo's answer easily. I bet he is also aware of the rumous that has been going around the main house.

"How do you know that Porsche..." Khun Kinn didn't finish his question, but I can guess what he was going to ask. He was probably too ashamed to admit that he had made a mistake by mistakenly Porshe for being a mole within the main family.

"I didn't. All I heard was that a mole has been caught among us, so I thought it was Porsche since I hadn't seen him for days. I just went there to check." I answered honestly, as according to my conversation with Arm and Pol, before this incident happened.

"Have you been in contact with Tawan?" It's a question related to Tawan again. I only knew him as Khun Kinn's ex-boyfriend. What kind of answer does Khun Kinn expect from me?

"He has been working for me the whole time. He didn't even have any time to go out for a smoke. When will he have the time to be in contact with that ex of yours?!" I am greatly thankful for Khun Noo for backing me up. I am seriously in no mood to answer this kind of question.

"I'm the one who has been in contact with him. It's funny seeing him all desperate to bring you down. As for your information, even though I've been using him to gain information about your family, I never got them... and I can assure you, Pete and him have never had any interaction at all." Vegas added after Khun Noo finished his talking.

"How do you know since it seems like you had been betrayed by him?" This time, Khun Kinn's question is for Vegas and not me. I looked at Vegas. He seemed angry with Khun Kinn's question. I bet the fact that he has been fooled by Tawan must have hit his ego hard.

"How did you get him working for you in the first place? Did you seduce him?" Khun Kinn attacked Vegas with another question and... did I just hear that Vegas has been seducing Tawan?

"That has nothing to do with our discussion." Vegas replied without answering Khun Kinn's question in a calm voice. I noticed he pressed on the word 'discussion'.

Did he think I didn't know that I was being interrogated by Khun Kinn? Am I that absent-minded to him? Did he think I wasn't aware of what was really going on? Lastly, did he really seduced Tawan?!

"Did you?" I asked Vegas again. I bet he knew what my question was about. The changes in his facial expression are so obvious. There is fear.

"Pete, right now, he is trying to get you involved in their matter, and I'm trying to avoid that from happening." Nice try, Vegas. I won't be distracted that easily.

"He is my boss, and I still don't understand why you are still here." I forgot who I was talking to, and I forgot about the presence of Khun Kinn, Khun Noo, and Porsche in the room.

"I'm just helping you out..." Vegas sounded less confident. This is the first.

"I know this is not just a discussion. My boss is interrogating me. It's a procedure. Do you think I didn't notice it?" I asked Vegas. He didn't dare to answer. I don't even care if he'll answer it or not.

"Just... Please leave..." I said to him.

"Is this a quarrel between lovers because that is exactly how it sounded like to me." Someone asked as he opened the room's door. It was Khun Kim.

"NO!" Khun Noo, Porsche, and I answered almost at the same time. I understand me answering it. I don't know about Khun Noo and Porsche.

"Can I proceed with the interrogation? Dad asked me to do it since he thought Kinn might not have asked Pete properly since he has been working with Kinn for a long time." Khun Kim being direct is my favourite, although it scared me because it seems like even Khun Korn is directly involved in this matter.

"Kim..." Khun Kinn called his youngest brother's name with a concerned look on his face.

"Don't worry. I won't be harsh. Besides, it's easier for me if Pete really doesn't have anything to do with this issue." Khun Kim said while smiling at me. Then, he asked the others to leave the room, leaving just me with Khun Kim in this room.

This is the longest time I've been in contact with Khun Kim. He is mysterious. Only came to the main house when there was an event or when he was being called by Khun Korn.

I do not know the seriousness of this issue that I am involved in, but looking at how Khun Korn reacted, there must be something that he really wanted to know.

"What happened when you were being held hostage by them?" Khun Kim unexpectedly asked me a completely different question as Khun Kinn.

"I thought you were innvestigating if I had any relation with the leak of information about the main family?" I asked him without answering his.

"That was theirs. Mine is different." Kim answered.

"What about Khun Korn?" I asked him again. All this time, I always thought Khun Kim had no interest in this mafia family's business. I guess I must be wrong. He probably has a different goal after all.

"I'll decide what to tell him. You don't have to worry about that." He shrugged while answering me. How can I not worry?

"I do not know how, but I know you know a lot. Unfortunately, you do not know how to use the information you have." He sees it right through me, giving me goosebumps.

"Let's do it this way." He took a seat on the chair at the side of my bed with his shoulders back, showing off his confidence in making a negotiation with me. "You tell me everything I want to know. I won't hide anything that could help you."

"Deal?" Khun Kim leaning forward towards me and let out of his right hand. I hesitated, but I decided to grab his right hand with my right hand. He clasped my hand tightly before released it.

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