7. Through the Night

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It was a wild night. I didn't drink that much of liquor, but it is enough to make me feel drowsy. My alcohol tolerance had been decreasing lately. Probably because the other 'Pete' is in coma right now. Haha. See? I am fine. I can even make a joke out of myself right now although it may sounded like it was forced.

Khun Noo is totally wasted. We had to lift him up to get him into the car. Porsche held his legs, Pol held his arms, Arm supported his torso while I make sure the path towards the car is cleared for them. We get Khun Noo into the car.

"Why is he so heavy?" Porsche complained while straightening his back. I just laughed him off.

"I don't think Arm and Pol can drive back home. So it's either you or me." Porsche looked at Arm and Pol. They were leaning against the car. They couldn't even stand straight on their own.

"I should drive. You might have something else to do later." I tried to take the car key from Porsche. Vegas will approach us any minute now to show off his new motorbike to Porsche.

"What do you mean?" Porsche asked with confused look.

"Hey. You guys are leaving?" Vegas asked porsche and I. We turned to look at him, on his new red motorbike. "I need to talk with you." He added.

I turned back to Porsche, gesturing asking Porsche to give me the car key. Meanwhile, Vegas took off his helmet and took a few steps ahead, decreasing the distance between us.

I turned to Porsche and say, "You should go. I'll drive back home."

"I meant you. I need to talk with you." Vegas handed over his helmet to me for me to wear.

"Why?" I looked at his face. I didn't know what kind of expression I am looking for, but his face said it all. He meant it.

Porsche pulled me away from Vegas and get into the space between me and Vegas. "Are you out of your mind? After what you did to him..."

"I did nothing to him." Vegas immediately cut off Porsche's sentence. "I helped him while he..."

"Stop. Okay. I'll go you, Khun Vegas." I pulled Porsche's arm, making him facing me. "Can you help cover me up so that Khun Kinn won't notice?" I asked him. Despite his disapproval, he nodded. I smiled at him, assuring that everything was fine.

I helped by making sure Khun Noo, Arm, and Pol were already in the car. I watched as Porsche drove the car away until I couldn't see it anymore. Then, I turned to face Vegas. He gave me the helmet and I wore it right away.

I waited for Vegas to sit on the motorbike before I sat on it at the back, as far as I can, leaving some space between us. I waited for him to start the engine.

"Khun Vegas, I'm ready." I told him.

He started the engine. He accelerated the motorbike without warning before make a sudden stop forcing me to hold his shoulder to prevent myself from falling off the motorbike. "What are you doing?!" I shouted at him.

He turned his body slightly towards me, looking at me. "Do you really want to fall off this motorcycle?" He asked me.

I gave him the side-eye before move slightly forward and put both of my hands on his shoulders. He let out a sigh before asking, "Do you wish to choke me to death and kill us both?"

"What do you want me to do?!" I started to get mad. I raised my voice, forgetting that he is one of the Theerapanyakul family members.

He let out a sigh. "Put you hand around my waist. It's safer that way." He told me.

Hell no! I let go of his shoulders and held his shirt. Vegas decided to just let me do as I wanted and started to accelerate.

We arrived at a park, quite far from the main family mansion. Vegas parked his motorbike at the parking area. There were no other vehicles parked there apart from Vegas' motorbike. I looked around, feeling restless.

I knew Vegas was a protective, kind, caring, and I would say a loving person towards the those that he loves. I was one of the lucky person that get to feel his affection. But this 'Vegas'... He didn't love me. I couldn't predict what he might do to me if anything went south. Of course, I am a bodyguard and I can protect myself well, but you know... better be safe than sorry.

My head was busy thinking of all the possibilities and how to get away from them that I didn't even realized he had stopped walking. I almost bumped into his back.

"You can't even be aware of your surrounding. I don't think Khun and Kinn will live a long life." Vegas said while shaking his head.

"I stopped, didn't I?" Okay, that's hurt. He was basically telling me that I am bad at doing my job. How can someone be so good at insulting other people?

"What were you thinking?"

"Plans to run away. Just in case you started to do anything weird."

Vegas nodded. He started to walk back. It seems like he was satisfied with my answer. That was when I realized there was a street light pole right in front of me. If he didn't stop, I'll probably went back to main family's mansion with a bruise.

I fasten my pace to catch up with him as he was getting farther. "Khun Vegas, what do you to talk about? Can't we just talk about it here and went home?" I asked once I had catched up to him.

"Ah, right." Vegas seemed flustered. He stopped walking to face me. "Why did you meet Dr. Top the other day?" Vegas asked.

"Khun Vegas, I think you should have known that that is not a matter that I would like to talk to just anyone." I answered with a firm tone.

"Just anyone?"

"I mean... that is my personal matter. I promise, it will not affect my performance while I'm on a mission. If it did, I'll do what is necessary."

"What is necessary?"

"I'll quit from being a bodyguard."

"At the main door of main family's mansion and during the auction night. Both happened while you were on duty, weren't they?"

His last question made me speechless. I don't why, but tears started to well up in my eyes. I was not sure which one hurts more. The fact that I'm about to lose my job? Or the fact that I felt like I was being attacked by someone I loved? I looked down, hiding my face from Vegas. I can hear him let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry." His apology made me lifted my head, looking at him, confused.

"I'm sorry about last night." He repeated. "I planned to scare you off and caused panic among main family's members." He even giving me excuses. Why do I felt like... he is indeed the 'Vegas' I knew? The 'Vegas' that loves me? But how and... "Why?" I accidently blurted it out.

"That's all." Vegas avoided my last question. He continued walking while I was just following him. After the short conversation, we just walked through the night until we reached Vegas' motorbike that was parked earlier. He drove me off back to the main family's mansion.

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