46. Night City

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I can't even remember how it happened. We were arguing just seconds ago.

Vegas' arms firmly wrapped around my body. I didn't hug him back. Instead, I just let myself melt into his. I closed my eyes as I felt the warm from his body.

After some time, he finally said, "Let me help you live in the present."

He separated our bodies and held my shoulders. I looked at him, confused. He gave me a naughty smile and gave me a quick peck on my lips. It happened in a blink of eyes. I didn't even get the chance to react.

He scanned my face. Probably, he was trying to look for any sign of rejection from it. I stared at him without giving him any reaction. Not even a despise look despite his action.

Our eyes are locked, and a smile formed. Slowly, he lessened the space between us and kissed my cheek. He closed his eyes and cheekily moved closer to my lips and kissed me again. Deeper, this time.

I unconsciously closed my eyes as he deepened the kiss. It was a long, deep kiss. It caused me to feel dizzy until, at one point, he broke the kiss and cupped my cheeks.

"Breathe, silly." I opened my eyes and realized that I forgot to breathe. That's why I felt dizzy. He probably realized it, that's why he broke the kiss. He chuckled a bit as he caressed my cheeks.

"Are you feeling better now?" Vegas asked. Despite his cheekiness and joke, the concerned look was still visible on his face. I nodded.

As he tried to lean closer to me, I immediately put my hands in between us. "Don't. Stop." I shook my head, looking down, not looking into his face, but I was very sure that he was taken aback by my reaction because I can feel his gaze on me.

I unconsciously moved my head towards the sound of the bushes rustling near us. My eyes wandered around in the darkness, looking out for something just to confirm my suspicions.

"What's wrong?" Vegas' voice brought my attention back to him. He looked at me with a worried look. When I realized my hands were on his chest, I immediately pulled back my hands and took a step back.

"It was... I was just..." I stuttered, not knowing how to answer Vegas' question. "Let's go somewhere else!" I suggested.


"I love your idea of spending our night together somewhere else." Vegas said as he closed the door. I ignored the mischievousness sound on his tone. We checked into one of the hotel rooms nearby, in the middle of the city.

I proposed a three stars hotel, with a lot cheaper price than this one, but of course Vegas being the heir of one of the richest mafia family around here and being a billionaire himself chose to stay at this hundreds stars hotel with a glass wall that allowed you to see the whole city. It's not that I had anything to complain about.

I went straight to the glass wall. My gaze fixed towards the beautiful lighted city. This was not the first time I got to see such a view. I've been in this kind of room with huge glass windows and walls numerous times while I was on duty. I was occupied with a sense of responsibility, so I rarely get to really appreciate the view.

This time, it was different. I was not on duty or in my working hours. I can appreciate the view as long as I wanted to. I looked at the sky. There were no stars that could be seen because of the bright lights from the city.

I shifted my sight to the city. The lights from the tall buildings were enough to lighten up the city. From where I stood, I can see cars lining up. The traffic was slow even though it was already late at night. I can imagine the chaos and rush being in the middle of the city.

It was definitely contrary to being in here, where I can watch the night light city, away from the sounds of the vehicles and human voices.

No wonder people wanted to be 'up here' so bad. Gaining power and becoming rich so that they can get away from the busy city even for a moment.

I flinched as I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I didn't even realize when Vegas arrived and stood right beside me, looking at the same scenery as I was. "Beautiful." He commented.

I looked at him. "The view is very beautiful. No wonder you rich people like living in these tall buildings. It's nice to get away from the city sounds sometimes." I blurted out whatever that was on my mind.

To my surprise, Vegas shook his head, denying my statement. "I am used to this." He shrugged while saying it, this ungrateful brat.

I rolled my eyes as he continued, "It's you that is beautiful. Not the view." I gasped as I heard it from him. I know he is not the same Vegas I know from my memory or from what Khun Noo and my other bodyguard friends claimed him to be, but this is too much.

I looked at Vegas through the reflection from the glass wall. He smiled while looking at me. How can he become like this? Did I do this? I detected some movement, and I quickly turned and moved to the other side of the room towards the wardrobe. I pretended that I didn't notice his intention.

"It has been a long day. I should freshen up." I took the bathrobe out of the wardrobe.

"Go on. I'll go after you." Vegas nodded. It was nice to get to a bath after being out for one whole day. I got out of the bathroom, wearing the bathroom after about ten minutes.

"You can use..." I couldn't even finish my sentence when Vegas walked past me, went straight into the bathroom. He immediately closed and locked the door. "What's wrong with him?" I asked myself, confused.

Ding dong

The sound of the door's bell distracted me from Vegas' behaviour. I immediately went to the intercom to check on the person who rang the bell. It was Nob. He was here to send some sets of clothes for Vegas and I for us to change into as ordered by Vegas. I thanked Nob before going back into the bed.

I looked at the clothes sent by Nob. There were not only one but three sets of clothes. I chuckled, thinking about how considerate Vegas can be. I've been thinking to just wear back the clothes I came with. It seemed like Vegas was more prepared than I am.

I chose the set of clothes I wanted to wear and change into it before Vegas got out of the bathroom. Then, I sat on the set of coffee tables near the glass wall. I took the pen and paper prepared by the hotel. I need to take note of all the information that Vegas and I had got.

A few minutes later, I can hear the door to the bathroom being opened by Vegas. He got out of the bathroom, wearing the bathroom with a wide smile on his face. The smile faded as he saw me waiting for him at the coffee table set.

"What the hell are you wearing?"


For those who read, you know why I started to write this story, and you probably can assume when this story should end.

I kept on writing this story because I understand how annoying it is to read an unfinished story 😭.

Thank you for keeping on reading! 💙

And sorry for the cringe part, I don't know how to write an intimate and sweet scene.

To those who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas!

To those who didn't, happy holiday!!!

Anyway, enjoy reading~~

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