1. The Beginning

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My only focus is to make sure Vegas is alive. Nothing else is matter to me other than that. At least that was what I thought I need to do to end 'this'. The problem is... how?

All I know was he died by the bullets from one of the main family's bodyguard. Who instructed him and why? Khun Gun is already dead. Khun Korn have declared that both Vegas and Macau will be under his care and the main family. Should I looked for that bodyguard and kill him? At what cost? The mastermind can just look for someone else to do the job.

"Ugh~" I ruffling my hair.

"Pete, stop thinking. You look ugly doing that." Pol arrived at our table.

I feel like smacking his head, but I got distracted by Arm's voice, "What have you been thinking about? You've been doing that a lot lately." Arm asked.

"Should I apply for an early retirement?" I asked them both without lifting my head to look at them.

"You want to retire?" Pol asked with serious and high tone. I smack him to shut his mouth I don't plan to let the whole mansion to know about the news yet.

"What early retirement? You are only 24 this year. It won't be approved." Arm slapped my hand.

"Then... should I run away?" I asked again.

"Do you want to die?" Arm answered my question with another question. "What happened? Why do you want to quit?"

I let out a heavy sigh, ignoring his question. He is right. The main family will declare me as a traitor and hunt me down. They will torture me and eventually, they will kill me.

"Don't you remember what Khun Noo did when you talk about resigning last time? He almost turn the whole mansion upside down." It's Job's time to set my head straight.

Once I woke up a few days ago after being sick for the whole week, at least that was what I've been told as I have no recollection of what was happening, I feel like ignoring everything and resigning causing Khun Noo to throw tantrum towards everyone and everything in this mansion. He blamed Khun Kinn for giving me tasks, Phi Chan for the hardcore training he made us doing, Phi Korn for not increasing my salary, and even a cat for asking me food.

That was also the day for the new bodyguard, Porsche was assigned to the main family and become my roommate. I made quite a fuss that day. I asked and talked about everything I knew to him which the only reply I got was, "I don't know". I was frustrated. No one knew about what I was talking about. One thing for sure, I did not want to go through all of that anymore which is why... I decided to resign. Although it looked like it is no longer can be considered as an option, seeing the consequences. I'll have to think of a plan. Maybe few plans.

"He also almost chained you up in his room." Pol continued to remind me of what Khun No did that day.

Chained? Please don't talk about that. I am feeling naeseous whenever I am reminded of the memory from the parallel life I had experienced. Although, they didn't knew about it. None of them in this life knew about it. Porsche, Khun No, Khun Kinn, Arm, Pol... even that person, Vegas.

"We better get going. The minor family will be arriving soon." Arm reminded me and Pol. Porsche arrived at the exact time and I quickly dragged him along with us.

For this time being, I tried not to change any event. I had tried few times before, it will only creates more problems. It will also causes me more troubles as I will not be able to know what was going to happened if there are too many changes going on. So I decided to observe before changing anything.

I was also thinking of writing my own notes on what happened before and now, and the consequences of changing any events. I'll also write down some notes on whatever I've known so far and the unresolved mystery from the previous life. I have my suspicions and there goes all of my energy. Thinking drained my energy more than when I just need to use my physical strength.

All of the bodyguards involved in this duty lined up to welcome the minor family. This is a once a month occasion where all the three members of minor family, Khun Korn, Vegas, and Macau were invited to the main family mansion as VIP to have a meeting and to discuss the current affairs.

This will be my first meeting with Vegas after I woke up from what I hope was just a nightmare. Of course, it is not just a nightmare. I look at Khun Gun in brown suit, getting out of his fancy car. Porsche kept asking me questions, but I couldn't care less. My mind was reminded of Khun Gun body laying down on the floor, lifeless after being shot by Khun Korn to the head.

"Hey, Pete! Who is that?" Porsche slapped my arm after I ignored his questions. I look at Porsche. He was gesturing to another person coming out from the car behind Khun Gun's.

"He is..."I looked at the young man wearing black t-shirt and jacket. Our eyes met for a second before he shifted his gaze to the man besides me and smirked.

I didn't know why, but I suddenly feel suffocated. I failed to control my breathing. I feel lightheaded. Sweat started to drip of my forehead. I hold my breathe, trying to control my breathing. Please. I can't collapse here. Not before he entered the main door of the main family mansion. Not in front of Vegas. I grabbed Porsche's suit for support. Right after Vegas entered the house, I collapsed. I am still conscious, but I am struggling to regain my composure and to stand to continue my duty.

"Pete, are you okay? Pete!" Porsche kept calling my name which didn't help me at all. My ears ringing and my dizziness kept getting worse.

"Porsche, you should bring him back to your room for a rest. I'll report to Phi Chan and Khun Kinn. We'll handle the rest." I can hear Arm giving instruction to Porsche. The next thing I knew, I was already in my room, lying on the bed with Porsche smoking in the room while waiting for me to regain my consciousness.

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