19. Selfish

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It was insane, but what Pete told me did make all of what he did make sense... although it still does not make sense. Time travelling, two different universes, two parallel worlds. Who is in his right mind would believe in all of these?

We had been silence for more than 10 minutes. I was still trying to understand whatever Pete had just told me and I can feel Pete's uneasiness throughout the time I spent to think.

"I think it is better if I just go." Pete wanted to go away, but I stopped him.

"No. Stay." I held his hand, telling him to stay.

"What's the point? You don't even trust me." Pete seemed frustrated. It must had been hard for him to decide to tell me about this travelling time thing.

"I'm trying." I tried to convince Pete. "I'll send you back to the main family mansion." I offered him since he still looked stressed.

"I can go back on my own." He sulked and avoided my eye contact. That's cute. Still... his complexion seemed paler than usual. He must had not been fully well yet.

"You are not well." I wanted to console him, but I knew I messed up when Pete changed his expression. He looked at me with his dissapointed eyes. I let out a small sigh. What did I do wrong?

"So you do think I am crazy?" Pete asked me with his acccusation tone. His question baffled me. I never meant that. How can he came out with that conclusion?

"No. That's not what I meant. You were sick until yesterday. I..." I stopped reasoning. I didn't think he would listened to me. He was filled with emotions, so now might not the right time to reasoning with him.

"What do you want to eat? I'll bring you to any restaurant you want." Ii tris to distract by bringing up anoother topic. I was just trying my luck, I didn't knew it will works.

"Anything?" He asked me for assurance. I nodded. He put on his widest smile that I had ever seen. He must had not eaten anything yet. He had been here since morning and It's already almost time for lunch. He must be hungry.

He wanted to go eat at a curry house restaurant. Before we went to the restaurant, I asked Nop to send Macau back to the minor family mansion although he had been whining nonstop, wanting to join Pete and I until he got off of the car. I didn't want Macau to interrupt our conversation.

I watched as Pete swallowed the green curry chicken with rice. He seemed contented. I didn't know it will be this easy to make his mood better. "Eat slowly or you'll get choked."

"I won't, don't worry." Pete replied. I ordered the same menu as Pete's and regretted at the first bite. It was to spicy I can't handle it. Pete voluntarily offered himself to eat mine. I was greatly amazed with his big appetite.

Once Pete finished eating all the food, the waitress took the dishes away and left us with our beverages. Pete drank his while looking around. He was so immersed in his thought, I wondered what he was thinking about.

I thought about the story Pete had just told me. Based on his story, I died...and he was with me. Why was he with me? If everything he told me about the time travelling phenomena is true, why was he the one travelling in time? I'm the one who's dead, right?

I was reminded by Pete's expression when he regained his consciousness during the auction night. I guess that was why he was so relieved that I am still alive...but why? Weren't we supposed to be against each other? It was a war between main and minor families. Why was he relieved?

"What were we... in the other... you know, universe?" My sudden question caused Pete to cough while he was drinking water. He quickly grabbed some tissues to wipe his mouth while glancing at me.

"We... uhh..." He stuttered. Was he trying to create a lie as the answer?

"If you are planning not to tell the truth, it's better for you not to answer."

"I'm not. I was just trying to find the most suitable word."

I waited patiently for his 'most suitable word'. After few minutes, he eyes widened. Looked like he had found the right word.

"Acquaintance!" He finally answered. He definitely not using his brain to it's full potential...or is that the only potential that his brain has?

"Are we not acquaintance now?" I asked him.

"Now, we are more like employer and employee relationship."

"Is acquaintance closer than employer and employee relationship?"

"Yes." Pete nodded for few times.

I nodded as well, showing my approval for Pete's answer about us being an acquaintance with each other. "Okay."

"Are we getting there?" I asked Pete. I was wondering what he thought of our relationship now compared to what we had in the other universe.

Pete's expression changed for a second after hearing my question. It was a sad expression. Although he was quick to hide it, I am quicker at sensing the changes.

He smiled while asking, "Can you send me back now?" He was smiling, but the smile didn't reached his eyes. "I'm sleepy. Besides, I don't want the family to notice my disappearance." He continued.

I nodded, agreed to send him back as he requested. There were still a lot of things Pete hadn't told me yet. The thing he had told was only the surface.

He told me about the travelling thing which explained his actions during the auction night, the grenade incident, and how he knew about Pa's safe in his room. He also told me about my death. However, he never told me why he did what he did.

I asked Nop to drive the car to the main family mansion before went back to the minor family mansion. Pete asked Nop to park the car at the convenience store located around 10 minutes walking distance from main family mansion.

Before got off of the car, Pete was contemplating about something. I was wondering what was it. I noticed he was looking at Nop and somewhere back and forth until at some point, he looked at me.

"What is it?" I came into conclusion that Pete wanted to say somthng to me, but he was nt sure if he can trust Nop. "Nop is my trusted bodyguard. You can trust him." I continued.

"Nothing. It was just..." Pete paused. I waited patiently for him to continue his sentence. "Goodbye, Vegas." Am I dreaming? This time, he intentionally called me Vegas. I wanted to reply, but he got off of the car before I did.

"See you later... Pete" I whispered to myself. Throughout the time on our way back to minor family mansion, I thought of the little information I received from Pete and tried to make any connection with whatever I knew.

Unfortunately, the information Pete gave me was too little. I was reminded of what Pete told me.

'I told you because I might need some information from you and I want you to be safe.'

That was the only explanation he gave me. It seemed like he tells me what he told me only to get information from me for him to solve the issue alone.

That was selfish of him to use me as his informant, yet refuse to tell me everything when I was actually involve in it.



🦋 💙 B U I L D I S B A C K 💙 🦋

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