41. Back to the main

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I woke up to an empty space at another side of my bed, giving me panic. My eyes widened as I franctically looked for Pete. I looked for him everywhere inside my room and office, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Pete!" I shouted his name as I opened the door to go out of my room to look for him around the mansion. That was when our eyes met.

I glanced over Pete's shoulder and saw Macau. Pete noticed where my eyes were landed, so he quickly covered Macau from my sight. He was probably reminded of the previous incident when I got angry and snapped at Macau.

"I was bored... and hungry." Pete muttered without looking into my eyes. "I went out and coincidently Macau was on his way to your room, so he brought me to the kitchen." Pete continued.

"I even request Aunt Pearl to cook Phi Pete's requested meal!" Macau added, half-shouting, sounded proud of his own deed. He is probably still upset about what happened yesterday.

"And I thank him for that." Pete chuckled a bit, amused from Macau's cheekiness. That's one of the most genuine responses from Pete I've seen these few days. Still... it did not ease my tension.

"I made it clear to Aunt Pearl to keep it a secret. You know how trustworthy she is!" I know. She is like our mother. She had been taking care of our meals since our mother died.

"I also made sure Pa is not back yet before bringing Phi Pete out. No worries." Macau added. Probably, he could detect my concerned look.

I let out a sigh in defeat. It already happened. Besides, there is no use in getting mad at Macau. "Thank you, Macau." I thanked Macau before grabbing Pete's wrist and pulled him back into my room.

I hide him behind my back. Not from Macau. I just feel like I need to do it. I don't care if anyone thought I was too sceptical about Pete's safety. It's Pete's life and safety. I can't risk that.

"I better get going now. Got a school to catch." Macau told me in an awkward look and tone.

"Phi Pete. Goodbye!" Macau went off after cheerfully bid farewell to Pete. Huh? The differences?! When did they become so close to each other? Pete awkwardly waved back to Macau.

I closed the door, pulled Pete back to the bed and gently asked him to sit at one of the sides of the bed.

Pete seemed contemplating before saying, "You don't have to be like that."

I furrowed my eyebrow. "Being like what?" I asked him.

"Being overly protective of me. I can understand why you acted like that, but it's Macau. Your little brother. You know he will never harm me in any way." Pete looked done. Is he getting annoyed with me?

"I know. Of course, I know Macau meant no harm, but I'm afraid his carelessness may cause you harm." I defended myself, explaining to Pete the relevancy of my every action.

He lets out a heavy sigh. He silenced himself for some time, making me anxious. Then, he reminded me of something that I have been avoiding for days, even to only mention it.

"You know I will have to go back soon, right?" The four days of Pete staying here is up. That was what I promised him while convincing him to stay here for a few more days while I make sure it is safe for him to go back to the Main Family mansion. The thing is...

"The life we live in will never be safe." It is as if Pete read my mind. "You know that." He continued. "So stop bulshitting by telling me you want to make sure the situation is safe for me to go back."

"At least, let's make sure it is safer for you to..."

"You can't keep me hiding in here forever." Pete cut me off. "I need to work. Who knows what Khun Noo will do if I don't go back. Also, once Khun Gun is back, he will notice." I hate to admit it, but Pete is right.

"I know." I have no choice but to agree with Pete. "I was just... I..." am not ready yet. I couldn't even say it out loud. I let out a heavy sigh and finally agreed, "Okay."

Pete gave me a sincere smile. He seemed relieved that I finally agreed to let him go back to the main family. However, I am no fool. He is obviously worried, but he is hiding it behind his smile.

I sent him back to the Main Family mansion right after we ate our lunch. We didn't talk much after the morning conversation. I just don't feel like it.

As usual, Pete asked me to park at the front of the convenience store, ten minutes walk to the mansion. He insisted, even though I offered to send him back in the mansion. As if his bosses didn't know where he went and whom he was staying with these few days.

"I know, but there are still more people not knowing than people who know." Ugh. He always knows how to shut me up. Pete git out of the car and I followed him. I leaned my back against the car.

Still... I refused to just end our conversation like this. "Know that you are dating the first born of your employer's enemy?" I asked, giving him my biggest grin, stopping him from going towards the Main Family mansion,

"No." Pete faced me, giving me a disgusted look. "What makes you feel so confident when all you were worried about a few days ago is the fact that you might hurt me?" Pete's words are just so true that it hurts. If only I didn't get interested in him first, something bad might have happened.

Pete let out a light sigh. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." He probably noticed the changes in my expression.

"Remember that you need to make sure no war between the two families will happen. For that to happen, I'll try to find out where Khun Korn hides Porshe's mother as that might be the hidden reason for the war to happen." Pete quickly changed the topic and reminded me of the conclusion of the discussion we were having these past few days.

"I think it would be better if we just do what we are supposed to do on our own, separately and contact when we got something to discuss." Pete suggested, triggering all of my brain cell to go against his words.

"You know I can't do that. I'll have someone to watch over you."


"Or I'll have to check on you myself, every single day. You know what will happen if Takhun and I meet." My threat against Pete succeded as I can notice him being taken aback by it.

"PETE!!!!!!!!" Suddenly, that bastard in question's voice ring into our ears. The voice that is capable of sending shiver to just anyone hearing it.

"That motherf---"


Hi! I'm so sorry for the late update... and thank you for waiting 💙.

I hope everyone is having a great day.... and life.

Enjoy your reading!

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