25. Interrogation

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"I'm okay, for God's sake! Can't you just let me go back?" Pete is really pissed off. He has been like this ever since we reached the family hospital.

No. Actually, he has been like this since he knew we were going to take him to the hospital instead of going back to the main family mansion.

Once we arrived at the hospital, I personally asked to be given a room that is usually used by a family member. The receptionist seemed a bit confused, but she gave it anyway. It's a personal request from the first son of Theerapanyakul's minor family's first son. How can she refuse it?

I was standing near Pete's bed. I turned my head, looking at the room's door. "Where the hell is Dr. Top? He said he is coming in 10 minutes." I ignored him.

"Khun Noo!" Pete whined. He changed his target to Khun, who was sitting on a sofa at the other side of the room instead of me since I've been ignoring his request for hours.

I looked at Khun, wondering what his reaction would be like. He rushed to the hospital once he knew Pete was brought here, and he has been quiet this whole time, too. I think this is the longest time we had been in the same room without arguing.

"This time... just listen to him." He pointed at me without even looking at me. Pete just looked at Khun in disbelief.

"Don't look at me like that! I'm your boss." Khun raised his voice. He then avoids from looking at Pete's eyes. I hate him, but still... I'm glad Pete is under his care.

Khun, Pete, and I turned to look at the door as it was opened by someone. It was Dr. Top. He apologized for being late and straightaway walked towards Pete to check his condition.

"I'm fine. I can go back right now." Pete self-diagnosed himself as the real doctor is examining him. His eyes are full of hope while I, on the other hand, hope Dr. Top will at least ask Pete to stay and rest.

"Right. You are..." Dr. Top couldn't finish his sentence when Khun interrupted.

"...not in a good condition to go back to work!" Khun raised his voice. "I don't want you to work for me in this condition." Khun looked at Pete from head to toe.

"How can someone who just got kidnapped be going to save me from getting kidnapped? I order you to stay here quietly." He added while being annoying and bossy. Still, I couldn't help but think that Khun has another reason for his behaviour.

Right after Khun finished his words, Kinn and Porsche came into the room. Both of them looked at Pete with different expressions. Kinn looked at him with uncertainty while Porsche looked at him with worried.

"There is something I need to talk with you about. But I'll have to ask the others to leave." Kinn said to Pete. He looked at Dr. Top, Khun, and me. I can see his confused look while he is looking at me.

"No. I'm staying." Khun resisted while folding his arms.

Kinn shifted his attention towards me and asked, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"The opposite reason of why you are here." I answered his question. I raised my eyebrows, challenging him while he did the same.

"What is going on?" Pete asked, breaking the tension in the room.

Kinn broke our eye contact and looked at Dr. Top. "How is he doing? Can I ask him questions?" Kinn asked Dr. Top.

"He is fine..." Dr. Top answered Kinn's question. "However, it is better for him to rest." Dr. Top continued.

"So..." Kinn opened his mouth, wanted to talk.

"...and you better not stress him up today." Dr. Top quickly interrupted Kinn as he could sense the deadly stare that was given by both Khun and I.

"See? It's the best for us leave. You can ask him on another day." Porsche said to Kinn.

"Am I invisible in here too? Do I have no say at all?" Pete speaks up his mind. He is getting frustrated. "Khun Noo, Khun Vegas, if this is how you guys acted, it's better for you guys to leave. You too, Dr. Top." Pete then looked at Kinn. "I want to talk with Khun Kinn."

Although he is still using honorifics while talking to us, we can all hear the difference in his tone. It's not his usual tone. Kinn might have never heard it, so he looked a little bit appalled.

Kinn cleared his throat before he started talking. He looked at Khun, Dr. Top, and I.

"I'm staying!" Khun and I said almost at the same time, before Kinn was even able to open his mouth.

"I'm leaving." Dr. Top raised both of his hands up to his chest and almost immediately voluntarily left the room.

Kinn cleared his throat and walked closer to the bed. "Since Dr. Top said that you will have to take a rest and get admitted for a few days,..." Kinn glanced at Khun and me. "...let us just do it here."

"Do what, Khun Kinn?" Pete asked Kinn, looking confused.

"What is your connection with Don's family?" Kinn asked the first question. Huh? This is not the question I expected. I look at Pete. He looked even more confused with the question thrown at him.

"All right. How do you know about Tawan? How do you know he is back?" Kinn changed his question.

"Everyone knows that. The rumour has been passed around. Even I knew it." Khun interrupted.

"Okay." Kinn accepted Khun's answer. Well, that's easy. "How do you know that Porsche..." Kinn didn't finish his question. I chuckled a bit. Weak. He couldn't even admit that he had fallen into Tawan's game. Embarassing.

"I didn't. All I heard was that a mole has been caught among us, so I thought it was Porsche since I hadn't seen him for days. I just went there to check." This time, Pete answered.

"Have you been in contact with Tawan?" Where the hell is this going? Why did Kinn associate Pete with Tawan? Is he suspecting Pete right now?

"He has been working for me the whole time. He didn't even have any time to go out for a smoke. When will he have the time to be in contact with that ex of yours?!" Looks like even Khun thought Kinn's questions were absolute nonsense.

"I'm the one who has been in contact with him. It's funny seeing him all desperate to bring you down." I chuckled while saying this.

"As for your information, even though I've been using him to gain information about your family, I never got them...and I can assure you, Pete and him has never had any interaction at all." I continued.

"How do you know since it seems like you had been betrayed by him?" Kinn is questioning me. "How did you get him working for you in the first place? Did you seduce him?" Kinn's questions is getting me on my nerve. How dare him ask me these kind of questions, and he asked them right in front of Pete at that!

I ignored those questions. "That has nothing to do with our discussion." I said in a calm voice, but pressed on the word 'discussion'.

"Did you?" Pete's question startled me. How do I answer this?

I ignored his question as well and tried to get us back to the main objective of our 'discussion'. "Pete, right now, he is trying to get you involved in their matter, and I'm trying to avoid that from happening."

"He is my boss, and I still don't understand why you are still here." Pete's way of talking startled not only me but also Kinn, Khun, and Porsche. He is like mad MAD.

"I'm just helping you out..." My voice got lower. Isn't that one of the reasons he told me about his secret? For me to help him.

"I know this is not just a discussion. My boss is interrogating me. It's a procedure. Do you think I didn't notice it?" I kept my silence. I know Pete asked that not for me to answer.

"Just... Please leave..."

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