13. Back Again

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I got back to the room that I had to share with Porsche. There was about only an hour and 20 minutes left before we started our mission and here I am, laying down on my bed.

Instead of sleeping, I thought about what I had just read in Khun Gun's room. I started to question about everything that I had previously known and believed all these years.

My head started to pounding so hard. It has been few days since I last had a really good sleep. The longest I can sleep in a day in these few days is only three hours. I tried to get in bed as early as possible according to at what time my job finished, however I still can't. Today is included.

I forced myself to have at least a few minutes of nap. I need it to focus on our mission. Unfortunately, I just couldn't. Especially with the new information I had just learnt that I need to investigate to verify it myself and the mission that I'll have to participate in today. I closed my eyes to rest my eyes even though I couldn't sleep.

One hour went by so quickly. Now, Porsche and I had already started to dress up. We were given a full black attire to wear as we are going to steal the firearms and goods by seizing them while they are in transit to the seller.

The firearms and goods will be sold to Khun Don later in the evening. We will pretend to be the seller to find out Khun Don's whereabout. The firearms and goods were expected to arrived at the port at around four am.

We arrived at the location at about five minutes left before the arranged time. We hide ourselves in one of the containers there. We waited until a signal was given, informing us that the awaiting items have arrived.

At about 5.10 am, a signal was given from other minor family's bodyguards, informing that the supplier with the firearms and goods to be sold to Don has arrived. Vegas, Porsche, Arm, and I prepared ourself to attack alongside with other minor family's bodyguards.

The dark silent night turned into a night full of gun shooting sound from the minor-major family collaboration against the supplier. The universe is on our side when the supplier didn't even expect the attack. We won the battle easily.

The real mission started at noon. Porsche, Arm, and I will disguise ourselves as sellers to Don while Vegas being our driver. He drive a huge lorry which I found really amazing. Wait, what? Why am I being impress to the fact that he can drive a huge lorry?

"Khun Vegas, how can you be so sure it is Don who will appear?" Arm asked, breaking the silent in the lorry. It's a reasonable question considering Don was not the one to always appear for this kind of event. He would rather be at the exclusive kind of event where only VIPs and few selected people were invited.

"I don't." Vegas' answer causing Porsche, Arm, and I to look at each other.

We arrived at the outside of the warehouse. Porsche, Arm, and I went out of the lorry to meet the Don family's representive before meeting Khun Don inside the warehouse. I was specifically given the order to lead this 'business' by Khun Korn and Khun Gun.

Porsche, Arm, and I met Khun Don with four of his bodyguards. "We brought all the goods you wanted." Porsche said with confident causing me to panic. I haven't ready to introduce myself yet.

"I am Saengtham." I introduced myself. I stand straight, lift my chin up, making myself feel as if I am at the same level in hierarchy as he is. I used my last name instead of faking my name.

"What?" Don asked me. The way Khun Don looked at me puzzled me. Did I say something wrong? Did he actually knew the seller's real name? I thought they always call each other by their code name or whatever. Did I just ruined this mission? Am I doom?

However, there was something else in his gaze that made me wonder. So, I stayed, not moving even an itch. I want to know the meaning behind the way he was looking at me.

"Are you..." he raised his hand, wanted to touch me as he opened his mouth to say something when a bullet pierce his shoulder. I flinched while Porsche pulled me to hide behind the stacks of boxes nearby.

Another shooting battle happened. I was in gazed, thinking about how Don reacted while looking at me. That was when Vegas arrived while Porsche is already elsewhere.

"Are you crazy for just standing there while he was trying to attack you? He could have killed you!" Vegas shouted at me.

"He didn't..."

"Focus! Let's talk later!" Vegas ran out of the hideout without waiting for my response. I bite my lips, suppressing my anger towards Vegas' accusation. I hold it in to continue fighting in this battle.

As the sun almost set, Minor family started to celebrate their winning. Don has been captured and the warehouse as well as the goods has been successfully seized by Minor family.

It's a tradition for Minor family to hold a after party after a mission is successful. We, from the main family were also invited. Although I don't feel like going, I had to or it will be cosidered as I not being respectful towards the family. I don't really have any choice.

It's a wild party. Loud musics were played, people were dancing and drinking everywhere in the bar, and the men and women were flirting and kissing. I'm just want to throw up.

Vegas was not excluded from enjoying the party and I hate seeing Vegas flirting with other people. In spite of that, I know my position. I have no say in any of it. He can do whatever he wanted to. I turned to him and that was when I saw he was kissing with some random women. Ugh! I feel nauseatic, so I decided to get out of the bar to get some fresh air.

I barely drinking, but why is my head hurting so bad right after I stand and started to walk? I almost losing my balance.

I left the bar and kept walking to the parking lot. I do not wish to get back in into the bar. I want to take some rest until Porsche and Arm finished partying.

"Pete?" I heard someone called me. I look at my back and saw Dr. Top. That was unexpected.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"Nothing. Just attended the party by the Minor family after successfully completing a mission." I replied to him.

"I haven't seen you for a while now. You have been postponing our appointment. You even joined a mission. I guess you are getting better?"

"I guess so..." Ugh. You tell me. You are the doctor! I am not in the mood to have a conversation with anyone, but still... I tried to answer Dr. Top's questions while I can feel myself getting spaced out.

"Are you sure?" Dr. Top asked me another question. That was when I can feel someone is supporting my body. Then, I can't remember what was happening.


Once I open my eyes, I was no longer standing in front of Dr. Top at the parking lot. I am in a spacious expensive looking white room. "Where is this? Where am I? Isn't this that place? Why am I back again?" I asked myself.


Today (4th March 2023) is Beyourluves and Bsumbodys' Second birthday?!!!

I just knew about it and because of that... I published another chapter as a gift. If I had known about it earlier, I would have just published the last chapter today.
Just kidding 😂.

I hope you guys are not bored with my frequent updates.

Anyway, as always, enjoy reading!

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