12. Minor Family Mansion

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Porsche, Arm, and I were assigned to the minor family mansion. We went there to learn more about the Don's family. We will also discuss the strategies to seize the firearms and other goods from a seller that Don's family supposed to meet with.

We will then take over the seller's place to meet Khun Don. The meeting place is the Don's family's biggest warehouse. It was known as the Don family's biggest operation place and where they got most of their income. We will take over the place, caught Khun Don, and end the family's legacy.

Vegas welcomed us at in front of the minor family's mansion. "Welcome to the minor family's nest." He said with a smile, although it faded the second he saw me walking behind Porsche and Arm. He stared at me in disbelief.

"Thank you, Khun Vegas." Porsche, Arm, and I thanked him. We followed him into the mansion while he explaining the meaning behind the uniqueness of the mansion's design. I noticed how his eyes regularly glanced at me which I continued to ignore.

We followed him until we arrived at the stairs connected to a huge yard. He stopped and turned his body ro face us. "Are you guys hungry?" He asked, looking directly at me. Instead of answering, I looked at Porsche and Arm. The three of us looking at each other and finally, Porsche answer, "Yes."

Vegas smiled while nodded once. He brought us to the centre of the yard where a huge dining table was set up with variety of dishes. There were about 20 people including Khun Gun and Macau. They were sitting there, enjoying the dishes that were served.

Vegas chose a chair at Macau's left side to sit on. He pulled out the chair on his left while glancing at me. I ignored him and placed my hand at the furthest chair from him, but the nearest with me. There were two empty seats between us which were later taken by Porsche and Arm.

I was too occupied to join their conversation. My eyes wandering around. I looked at every one of them that were sitting at the dining table. My eyes stopped at the minor family's bodyguard that was sitting besides me. He looked at me without even blinking. What is wrong with him? Whay causing him to look at me like that?

Arm tapped my shoulder for a few times, getting my attention. I turned to him. "Why is he looking at you?" He asked.

"How am I supposed to know that?" I answered his question with another question, clearly annoyed with the situation I am in right now.

"I think he is interested in you." Arm whispered to me. I glared the minor family's bodyguard for a second before realizing Vegas was also looking at the said bodyguard with his two fierce eyes.

After finished eating and after the briefing session ended, Vegas walked us to our room. I shared a room with Porsche while Arm will have to go back to major family's mansion to prepare some equipments that can be useful for this mission.

It was two o'clock in the morning. After making sure that Porsche was sleeping, I walked across the bedroom from my bed to the door. I pressed my left ear towards the door while my right hand was placed at the door knob.

After making sure no one is wondering around at the hallway outside the room, I twisted the door knob slowly, being extra careful not to make any noise.

It was a quiet night. The only sound can be heard was the sound of crickets from outside the mansion. The hallway was only lit by the dim wall lamp. I wore a full black attire to blend myself in with the darkness.

I peeked out of the room before getting out to the hallway. After making sure that no one is near the area, I decided to get out of the room. I get myself closer to the wall while tiptoeing along the hallway.

I can clearly remember the map of the mansion since I've studied and remembered the mansion's blueprint while I was carried out the mission last time. My last mission regarding Vegas before our tragic story began.

I passed through a familiar room. It was Vegas'. The memories from when I was held captive in that room was still vivid I hope I can erase them all. That was not my destination. I've been in there before. There was nothing more I need from his room. I need new information.

I kept on walking until I reached a huge room at the end of the hallway. I can easily opened the locked door with my skill. I get into the room and locked it back from the inside.

The room was dark. Not even a speck of light is allowed to enter the room. The big window was covered with black curtain. Like father like son. I thought to myself.

Without wasting any more time, I searched the room. To be honest, I am not sure what I am looking for. This time, I was not assigned by Khun Kinn to search for any information. This time, I'm doing it on my own will.

I've been searching for any clue that may caused the war between both families. For now, all that I've known is it is related with Porsche's mother with both Khun Korn and Khun Gun's past.

I've been in the room for almost 15 minutes when I heard the sound of footsteps approaching from outside the room. I quickly put back what I've been reading to it's original place and hide myself by sticking my body to the wall near the room's door so that when the door is opened, I would be hidden behind the door.

The sound was getting closer. I perked up my ears and started to count. There should be at least... only one person was approaching? This should be easy for me to get away if it was only one person. I was just hoping that the person is  ot Khun Gun. I kept my guard on as someone twisted the door knob.

"Pete." I knew this voice. "I know you are in here. Get out." It was Vegas'.

I was contemplating at first, but as I see no harm in revealing myself in front of him, I decided to get out of my hiding spot. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Are you kidding? That should be my line!" Vegas protested. "You lied." An accusation from him that came out of nowhere. I was confused, but then I was reminded of our last conversation in Porsche and mine's room.

Vegas insisted me for not joining this mission. He didn't even listened to any of my words and refused to accept any of my reasons. I work for the family. What makes he thought that I have the right to not accept a job at will? In the end, I just agreed with whatever he was saying just to make him go away.

"You have been caught again. You need to tell me everything."

I did not dare to look at his face. What is there to tell him? I need to find more information or else all of the things I know will only sounds like a story that I created. There's no way he is going to believe it.

"What is your excuse this time?" Vegas asked me once he realized that I'm not going to tell him anything.

"I... got lost?" I blurted out anything that first came into my mind.

He stared at me for few seconds before asking. "You know your way back to your room, right?"


"Just go back to your room." He let out a sigh. I can sense a sound of defeat in his tone.

"Yes, Khun Vegas." I left him and head the room right away.

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