17. Threat or Assurance

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I walked with Dr. Top into the main family mansion. I purposely walked a few steps behind him as to not want to draw any unnecessary attention. I planned to thank Dr. Top and quietly goes back to my room. Unfortunately, Dr. Top went to greet a group of people arguing with each other before I got to do so.

Just my luck! Those people were Khun Noo, Vegas, and Khun Kim. I felt like wanting to hide my face. I can sense a pair of eye was staring at me. By the time I tried to lift my head to meet his eyes, Khun Noo ran towards me and hugged me.

I looked at Vegas, then at everyone of them. Except Vegas, these were the people gathering in the spacious white room, discussing about Vegas' death. Is that mean... I can trust these people?

I looked at Khun Kim. I rarely seen him since he moved out of the main family mansion. It's not like I expected anyone to be helping me to save Vegas, but I would never expected him to get involved.

I honestly thought he went out of this mansion because he did not want to get involved in the family's matter. Since that was what everyine in this mansion had been talking about since he left. I guess I was wrong. We were all wrong.

I was so immersed in my own thought until I heard Vegas' voice saying, "I didn't notice you leaving last night." I looked at him and our eyes finally met.

I was wondering if he was talking to me. Then, I realized the others' eyes were also looking at me andVegas back and forth. Of course, who would have thought Vegas to be talking to a bodyguard?

"I did not feel well, so I left earlier. Sorry for not informing you beforehand, Khun Vegas." I answered him.

"Left to where? With him?" He pointed at Dr. Top. That was rude. What's wrong with him?

"No..." I wanted to answered, but he quickly cut my sentence off.

"Then why didn't you come back here last night and only come back now, the day after, with him?" What was he implying? I literally was brought to the family's hospital while he was having fun with the girls and here he was interogating me with his accusing tone.

"He was at the family's hospital. Pete informed me, his boss." Khun Kinn suddenly came, answering my questions for me, saving me from whatever accusation that was in Vegas' mind.

I'm so sick of whatever conversation we were having and I really wanted to go back to my room. I got two days of medical leave to rest, not to be talking with these rich, arrogant bosses.

"Pete, you should go back to your room and rest. Just get back to work in two days." Khun Kinn said to me.

I feel truly thankful towards Khun Kinn. "Then... I'll go now Khun Kinn, Khun Noo, Khun Kim, Khun Vegas, and Dr. Top." I quickly excused myself and walked to my room.

Once I got into Porsche and mine's room, I locked the door. I've learn my lesson. I don't want anyone else to get into my room uninvited again. I've got a lot of thinking to do and new information to sort for these two days.

Honestly, I didn't know how to feel and what to do. When what you have known and believed all of your life was not exactly as it is, you will start to feel numb and lost. I lay down on my bed, still feeling exhausted. I didn't even realized when did I started to fall asleep.

I woke up to the sound of Porsche opening the door. I can hear a sound of a plastic was put on the table besides my bed.

Porsche turned on the light without warning. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I can see Porsche was standing close to me as I was lying down on the bed. He looked at me without saying anything until I was fully awake.

"You must have not eaten yet, right?" Porsche asked me. I just looked at him as my brain was processing his question.

"Someone bought you this." Porsche pointed at the plastic with food container in it. "Eat it before you eat your medicine." Porsche didn't even waiting for my answer. Then, he went into the bathroom to bath as he just finished his shift.

I sat down to have a better look at whatever Porsche had brought for me. I took out the food contaimer and opened it to check what kind of food was given to me and when I saw it... to be honest, I was quite dissapointed. I can already tell who was the person giving me this.

"Who the hell gives carbonara to a sick person?" I chuckled and complaining at the same time while rummaging the plastic to see what else did Vegas prepared for me. I've got my medicine from Dr. Top. Being aware of that, Vegas prepared some isotonic drinks for energy and vitamins.

The last thing I noticed was a phone. It was hidden well, so even Porsche probably didn't noticed it. There was a small note on it.

Use this phone to contact me as soon as you can. Let's talk when you are better and when you are ready.


I turned on the phone. I looked at the gallery. There is a video in it. Without doing a lot of thinking, I clicked the video. It was a video of me doing a search in Khun Gun's room few days ago.

I feel dumbfounded. I can't longer know what to feel. Is he threatening me now? I feel so stupid At this rate, I'll just prepare myself for any punishment I'll have to receive.

I looked at the contact list. There is only one contact that was saved in it. I pressed the 'call' button on the screen. One ring and the person from the other side picked up the call.

"You are faster than I thought."

"Shut up. What do you want?"

"Are you talking about the video?"


"I'm the only person who have it. I deleted it from the main source, so you can rest assured."

"You are going to use it to threaten me."

"No. Why would I went all the trouble to delete that footage and save it for myself only to threaten you? Besides, I can do that even without the video, you know. I was helping you."

"Why are you helping me?" I need an answer as assurance that I can really take his word.

"I want you to trust me. I don't know how else to do it." He assured me.

I thought about it for a moment. He may be known as ruthless and cruel by others, but he never really tried to harm me. Maybe this is not the same Vegas as the Vegas I knew? Maybe this Vegas changed? How? Why?

When I think back, this Vegas had helped me more than I realized. Maybe I should really try to trust him? To see if the video he sent me was a threat or an assurance that he really is sincere in helping me.

Besides, I don't think it is good for me to keep this pace. I won't be going anywhere like this. All this time, I thought Vegas' death was caused by the war between main and minor family as what it supposed to be seen as.

I should change my approach and face him for good. Plus, with the new information I recently received, I will probably need a lot of help from him too.

"I..." I was about to ask him how should we meet when Porsche went out of the bathroom. I quickly ended the call and hide the phone.


Another chapter for this week.

Enjoy reading 💙😬

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