30. Use Me

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A few hours earlier

"Pete sent me a text. He is on his way going back to his hometown."

Hearing Kinn's, I immediately rushed out of his office. I remembered knowing where his hometown was while asking one of my men to dig into his personal information.

The preparation for me to go to the island was made in no time. I went there using the family's helicopter and got a car on the island ready as soon as I departed from Bangkok so that not even a second will be wasted.

My first thought was Pete's grandmother's house. I went to the house where he had been living since he lost both of his parents with the thought of I'll be seeing him there in my mind.

I arrived at the house. I knocked on the door three times. No answer. I knocked another three times. This, it's louder. Still no answer. I started to lose my control. I knocked on the door again, loudly. Many times that I couldn't even count them until finally, it was answered by an old lady... with a broom in her hand?

"Who are you and dare you disturb the peace of this village?!" The old lady hit me with the broom in his hand for a few times before I could stop her by grabbing the broom. Slowly, I let go of the broom once I felt no pressure from the lady who was probably at the age of early 70s.

"I am here for Pete!" I shouted before she could hit me again. She stopped once she heard Pete's name?

"Who are you?" She asked me.

"I'm... I'm his friend." I hesitated as what should I introduce myself as to her.

She nodded for a few times before saying, "But he is not here."

"What? I am very sure he said that he is going back to his hometown." I told her. "Does he have another hometown?" I blurted out whatever question that is in my mind.

"Don't be silly! This is his only hometown!" She hit me on the head once using the broom before she invited me into her house.

She led me to the living room to have a seat and went to the I assumed the kitchen without a word. Then, she came back with a mug of hot tea. She placed the mug on the tea table right in front of me while asking, "What do you mean Pete is here?"

"He told us he is going back to his hometown." I answered her.

"He would have told me if he did. He doesn't even text or call me. Oh, Pete. Where did he go? What should we do?" She started to get worried.

"Let me check." I took out my phone. Well... I installed a tracker device on the phone that I gave Pete. Let's just hope he did bring the phone with him.

I opened the applications to track Pete's whereabout. The luck is on our side when it detected and showed where Pete went. "Pete's location is about two hours from here." I told the old lady.

The old lady let out a heavy sigh. "I think I know where he is."


Present @ Grandma's house

"So you put a tracker device on me." Pete gave me a side-eye after I told him how I got to know where he went.


"Of course. What else can I expect from you?" Pete lean at the sofa. Okay. He is clearly mad at me.

"Basically, it's grandma..."

"Don't call her that."

"...your grandma. She is the one who knows where you are. She showed me the way to get there."

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