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  • Dedicated to Katie Bradshaw

Chapter 2

My head hurt when I finally came to. I could still taste blood in my mouth from being pistol whipped. I tried to lift my hand to my head to check the injury, only to find that I was tied down. I finally opened my eyes slowly. They adjusted to the suffocating darkness quickly. I didn't know where I was, and I could hardly remember what had happened from the day before. Or was it night? I didn't know how long I'd been unconscious. I stayed still wherever I was for a moment and I could pick up faint murmuring from another room. 

"Yes...too quiet...wrong with her." I strained hard trying to catch all of what they were saying. It sounded like a man and a woman, but that didn't make any sense. I heard footsteps on hard wooden floors, and I knew that whoever was there was about to come get me. I quickly laid my head back down and shut my eyes. My heart pounded in my chest, surely loud enough for them to hear, but I tried to keep myself calm. I breathed in deeply, faking as though I were still unconscious. I heard a door creak open from somewhere in the dark on the far wall. I wanted to look around so badly as I felt a small ray of light fall on my face, but I didn't dare for the fear of being caught. I kept as still as stone, tried to keep calm. 

"No, she's still out," the deep voice said as I heard him turn around and shut the door, the lock clicking into place. I snapped open my eyes. What were they waiting for? I had to get out of here before something seriously bad happened. I pulled my hand as close to my face as it would go, straining hard against the ropes. I leaned in close enough that I could begin to gnaw at them, trying to pull it just loose enough that I'd be able to get free. I worked away at them silently for several minutes before my left hand slipped free. I rubbed my sore wrist, the skin nearly raw from the stiff rope. I used my now free fingers to work at the other rope. I finally got the other arm free and was working on my left foot when I heard heavy footsteps clobbering back up the stairs. Had they heard me? I flopped back in the bed, carefully slipping my wrists back into the other restraints, but leaving them loose so I could fight if I needed to. There was a loud bang that sounded like a gunshot on the other side of the door, and a heavy thud.

Oh fuck, I thought, silently starting to panic. Somebody's just been shot. The door clicked open again, and I made my whole body go limp for fear of being abused, raped, or shot myself. So many terrible possibilities entered my mind, I could hardly keep from screaming out in pure terror from the thoughts inside my own head. There was a scraping noise that I could only imagine a body would make as it was being dragged across the floorboards. Something dropped hard against the wood. Suddenly I could feel the cold tingle of the barrel of the gun running up my leg. I realized that I was wearing nothing but my underwear. A warm hand followed the trail of cold metal, and I could feel myself subconsciously starting to shake. No, no, no, anything but that. The loud incessant ringing of a cell phone from somewhere downstairs was the only thing that saved my virginity from being stolen in that moment.

"I'll be back for you," I heard the guff voice say. He knew I was awake. He left again to get the phone, and I panicked. Now would be a good time to freak the hell out, I thought. I yanked my arms free again and tore the restraints off my ankles. I flew off the bed, stumbling around as if I were drunk while I tried to find my footing. My toes came in contact with the body that had been thrown carelessly across the floor, and I tripped, barely able to catch myself and stay quiet with my horror, as tears streamed down my face. Whoever this person was had been heartlessly murdered the same way as my parents, and the fact that this was probably going to be my fate as well scared the hell out of me. I tried to quiet my sobs. I shuffled around the floor, hoping to get lucky and find some clothes. I felt along the floor near the walls first, finding my pants. I didn't waste time trying to put them on, it would do me no good if that man came back and brought his gun. Instead I searched the back pocket, hoping to find my phone. Someone upstairs was watching out for me as I found the hard plastic case of my iPhone. I snatched it from the pocket, and clicked it on. 

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