71 | gratitude [END]

Start from the beginning

"Thanks, Diaval." You meant it—even if in the context, it could've come off as sarcastic. "You know... Even in my darkest times, you were the one there. Though, it's more like you had no choice, huh?" You laughed a little bit at that irony. You were thanking someone that never even wanted to be there.

"Maybe not." Diaval admitted bluntly. "But it's not like I hated all of it, either."

You closed your eyes, a vague smile on your face. "You really are a sweet dragon despite the rumors."

"The rumors?" He repeated ludicrously. "There are no rumors, you're the only one that can see me you brat!" He scoffed.

"I guess you're right." You replied, stepping closer to Diaval and letting your entire body lean against him—your arms planted and laid out on his... Uh... chest? You weren't fully sure of the anatomy of a dragon. Plus, it wasn't like your arms were anywhere near to actually enveloping him in a hug.

"Are you trying to hug me?" Diaval asked.

"Maybe." You responded. "I guess I wanted one..." You said honestly. "You're warm."

"I am a fire dragon." He replied. Even if that was true, it took a lot for you to feel warmth of heat in that regard. It was comforting—when was the last time you had gotten a hug? You felt like you used to get them all the time from your team.

"A good fire dragon. Sweet little dragon," you tapped him with your hand—but you doubted he felt it.

"When'd you get cheeky?" He scoffed.

"I'm pretty sure I got it from you." You replied, cheek pressed against his rough scales. You doubted anyone could blame you for taking after the voice in your head for your entire life.

There were a million things you felt in that moment. Closure? Relief? Sadness? But the most overwhelming feeling was content. Not overly joyous or depressingly empty; somewhere in the rough messy mix in the middle. "Thank you. I mean it, thank you..."

"Don't get too attached, what if I die next?" The dragon laughed.

Your lack of response made him huff. "I'm joking. Sadly for you, I don't plan on dying any time soon."

Diaval had done you the favor of walking back to the battlegrounds you had been taken out of suddenly. Being released from the infinite Tsukuyomi came suddenly--causing you to fall over onto the floor the moment you regained consciousness.

"Ugh," You groaned, your chin hitting the floor directly. You were sure it managed to rattle your brain, taking you a few seconds before you sat yourself up--rubbing the sore spot on your skin. Diaval held back a witty remark at your sloppy recovery...

There was a snicker behind their words. 'You okay?'

"Best I've been in a while, actually..." You rubbed your chin a bit more, getting up from your fall. There was a weight in your pockets that caught your attention.

You pulled out both of the lacrimas, holding one in each palm. "What do I do with these...?"

"The only thing you can really do is destroy them." He replied. "Or you could keep them, I guess. But it's like having their braindead bodies around at all times... Blehh."

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