14 | someone dear to me

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You ended up having a long conversation with Guy; he wasn't mad at you, but he was concerned. For the first time, you told somebody about everything you felt of your past, your clan, your nations. Being the ever-patient man he was, Guy listened to every word. When it came to the Jounin of the Leaf, Guy definitely had to be the most in tune with emotions. In a way, that's what made him such a great sensei. After all, what other sensei would hug their student so tightly with over dramatic tears while thanking them for opening up to him? He probably did the same with Neji and Lee, too. You were sure you'd be smiling if it weren't for the fact you could hardly breathe.

Once he had put you down, he looked relieved in a way, that serious look on his face long gone. But he had one thing he was holding back from mentioning - about Orochimaru. The threat was big, but he hoped that having gotten to Sasuke would be able to satiate the man's need for power just a little. Though he wasn't sure if it would; the Poltigan was a Kekkei Genkai full of possibilities when it came to Jutsus, Orochimaru would be able to learn anything he wanted if he got his hands on you. Guy wished he could play it cool as good as Kakashi did - that way you wouldn't suspect anything as you both left the room.  On your way out, Hinata had greeted you. She meant to get to you earlier, but you had gone off with your Sensei to soon. She gave you some medicine for your wounds - little to late since you had already gotten most of them treated - but you thanked her regardless, a smile on your face. Naruto was getting near the end of his fight, so she went on ahead to give the rest of her medicine to him and her teammate.

Once you returned to your teammates, Lee greeted you - summarizing the events of the fight that just took place as Naruto was making his way up the stairs. Naruto apparently pulled some great tricks, but in the end, a fart was what decided him the victor. It was unfortunate you didn't get to see the fight for yourself, but you made sure to congratulate him. He told you that "It was super easy! No big deal, I told you I'd catch up with you!"

The joy you felt in that moment died down with the announcement of the next battle, Hinata Hyuga Vs Neji Hyuga. It had to be the worst match up that took place as of this far, the look on Nejis face had gone from curious to stoic in a split second. Although Nejis facial expressions looked identical for the most part, you could tell the match wouldn't end well.

As he turned to head down, Guy had stopped him by grabbing his arm. "Neji, don't let your hatred for the main branch consume you. Got that?" He warned.

Neji was silent, turning his head to look at his sensei. Then toward his two teammates behind him - they looked nervous. Nervous on how Neji would act down there, he knew as much. But he only narrowed his eyes, yanking his arm out of Guys hold. "I won't." He said before walking down the stairs.

If you knew your teammate even a little, you could tell that he would lose his cool. Even if he said he wouldn't, it'd be inevitable with the hate that circled his mind. Naruto too, would lose his cool. Given what hateful words Neji would say, Naruto wouldn't respond positively. The talk of fate Neji would often have was never one you actively tried to participate in, his conditions growing up had beat those beliefs into his head - one some simple talk wouldn't change his mind in. But for once, you thought Naruto should've stayed quiet. His motivational speech had worked, as happy as you were for Hinata for gaining confidence, you were afraid of what would happen to her.

"He's not gonna calm down." You mumbled, absentmindedly reaching out to hold onto the back of Guys Jounin vest. It was like a form of comfort almost, after hearing of the danger you were in, you wanted to stick close to your teacher.

Guy hummed. "You're probably right. But... Let's hold out hope!" He pumped a fist, and his other hand went on the top of your head without even turning to look at you.

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