18 | whose in control

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Diaval had blocked you from his vision just as you had to them for a few months — so you wouldn't have seen them throw Naruto off to the side, he had protected the small frog he summoned. He was thrown into a tree headfirst and knocked out. The only conscious witness at that point was Temari, who sweat dropped.

'What's going on? It looks like [Lastname], but it's not. Something's off...' She thought to herself, backing up into the tree. 'It can't be possession, her eyes... The Poltigan hasn't been activated, and her eyes look...' Her thoughts stopped when you had gotten face to face with Gaara, a grin on your face and an arm stretched out to attack. Gaara reacted, head craning forward in an attempt to bite, and it worked. Diaval had gotten his arm bitten - but the sensation of success didn't last long,
the hand he bit had exploded into flames.

ShukakuGaara let go, a cry of pain going out of his charred mouth. Diaval could only laugh, shaking the flames off of their fist as they removed their hand, bringing their other hand up to the side of Gaaras head- a hard hit considering the fact his guard was already down.

Every hit Gaara had tried to land on Diaval had missed. An attack from above ducked under and countered - from below jumped over and returned. Diaval was certainly having the time of their life- a vessel like you was all they could ever want. Fast, flexible, and an overwhelming amount of chakra. He charged straight for the Beast — a feint attack that had made him defend himself in one area, yet Diaval sidestepped him and punched his side, an area he left completely vulnerable. They could tell by its movements alone that the one-tailed beast wasn't in full control — if they kept attacking, eventually the anger would make him come out.

Shukaku had let out an attack — an attack that had hit you and managed to knock you out earlier, yet Diaval had taken the hit head-on, and healed the injury that was left. It's just an example of what a beast could do — or a dragon in full control of its vessel body.

'No, it isn't [Firstname]. She might be strong, but taking this form of Gaara on and taking his attacks like nothing is something else... Besides, she attacked her own friend. I haven't seen her in forever, but she's not the type to do that...'

One dodge after the other and Diaval grinned at the beasts' anger — Diavals goal wasn't to defeat it quite yet, it was to get the one-tailed beast out in its entire glory.

'Unless...' Temari thought for a moment, thinking back to the stories of a dragon in the sand — only a few nations had a dragon, some belonging to the smaller lesser known ones. She thought of how interesting it was to be one of the few nations to have one, yet how terrifying. After all, with how Gaara was, she didn't have the best impressions of them. 'She's the one with the fire dragon? The timing makes sense, but...'

It seemed Diavals ploy to anger Shukaku worked, at the roar of fury he let out. "I'm not gonna lose like this!" And just like that, the tailed beast had appeared.

'Father said something about the fire dragon, but he didn't want us to know who it was. Yet... The entire village knew-- except us?'

"That's it..." Diaval grinned. "Show me your true power!" Temari blinked, sweat-dropping as she propped herself up with her hands. Shukaku of the sand had been released, yet you were expecting it. You wanted it to happen, you were egging him on, Temari stood up at the second puff of smoke — eyes wide as she witnessed the sight of the Fire Dragon firsthand, something that hadn't appeared in decades, sealed away safely unlike the tailed beasts that ran rampant.

They were both out for blood, and both out of control. Temari found herself shaking at the sight, eyes only being diverted from the scene as Naruto propped himself up. Although his head was bloody from being thrown into a tree head first, he already regained consciousness. The first thing he remembered was that you had thrown him into a tree, which had him looking around for you. He was confused for the most part, and another part was angry. What was the point of doing something like that? Yet instead of finding you — the only live person he saw was Temari, for a second he thought she was looking at him, but she was looking behind him. Which made him turn — and see just what was so interesting.

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