70 | into the light

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chapter 70 already! well, this book has been getting updating for over a year now. pretty crazy!


"You're... You're insane!" Sting managed to yell, voice shaky as he clung desperately to his arm. There was an undeniable terror in his eyes as he tried to back away--proving futile as his legs were lacking their usual strength to push himself away.

"But I thought you wanted a fair fight? I only used my physical strength for that." Diaval chuckled, standing above the horrified man. "You'll bleed out. Want me to end it, or are you running away?" Hands on their hips, Diaval leaned forward with a grin. "Oh, wait, one strike and all of your strength is gone!" Diaval laughed in his face, throwing their head back as if it were the most hilarious thing.

"You really thought I'd just laze around and give into your will! It's so funny I could cry!" Diaval laughed, "If I just let you take me outta the brat, she'd die. Not to mention I'd be forced into becoming some mindless machine. That's not a life I've ever dreamed of."

Stings lips quivered, his eyes twitching. He tried swallowing the lump in his throat, he tried to say something, to curse you out and defend himself--but out came only a whisper. "You crazy bastard..." His eyes were on you--yet in just a blink, you were behind him instead.

"You should really use that power of yours! I'd hate for you to get more injured!" Diaval laughed, he wrapped his hand around Stings arm--planting a foot on his back.

Sting, of course, knew your motives when put into a position like that. You already tore off one arm, and now you were going to break the other. The 180 you pulled was so sudden he was having trouble even keeping up.

"Scared yet?" Diaval mocked, "I bet she was, too!" He was copying every word Sting had said earlier, using his own words against him. "So, any last words I should pass on to someone who might care?"

Sting growled, he was scared, but just as humiliated. "The only one who cared for me is dead now... But I have dreams I want to achieve!" His voice rasped with pain, "I wont let myself die now!"

"Dreams?" Diaval rose a brow. "I don't really care about your dreams."

"The brat though, she's had plenty of dreams."

Lee wasn't a very secretive guy. He kept glancing back at you, a grin on his face as Neji nudged his side with his elbow. Whispering harshly to 'not be so obvious.'  You didn't suspect a thing before, but anyone would assume something was up after a look like that.

Shisui, in an attempt to save face, turned toward you. "Ah, those two always argue like some married couple." He sighed, closing his eyes.

"Her biggest dream for a while was that her teammates could be at peace... I swear she went half blind training those stupid eyes of her for a single trick. A handy one I've gotta admit. But it's nothing compared to me."

Everyone stopped in their tracks when a peer had crossed their paths, very obviously holding something in his hands. "Oh, yo!" Kiba didn't typically feel ashamed, but there was a bashful grin on his face as he tried to hide it behind his back. "Uh, interesting seeing you guys here! Heh."

Almost immediately, Neji slapped a hand over his face. "In a situation like this, my father wouldn't lose his cool... So I won't either."

AFTER DARK | narutoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang