53 | homesickness for traitors

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"She might have had the finishing blow on the eight-tails, but only because of your help, Sasuke!" You've come to the quick realization that Karin was a big fan of Sasuke. Perhaps more so than Sakura when the bunch of you were all just Genin.  Those memories made you homesick yet again, you and Sakura were never the closest, but memories with her had to reminiscing as well.

Like the time in the forest of death, when she got her new haircut, and you couldn't help but compliment it. Because it was true what you said that short hair suited her a lot more than her long hair. Not to say her long hair didn't look good, because it did. Sakura was in fact a very pretty girl. Now you wished you had the chance to tell her. Maybe you'd compliment anyone on the streets of Konoha, even if it was a lie.

Like maybe Kiba, you would tell him his name was memorable and nice.  And he was just as cute as his dog. Or Shino. You wouldn't say his bugs made him smell weird, and instead that he had a nice natural smell to him—maybe you'd even say he stood out in a crowd. You'd say Hinata was brave, and her fainting was cute.

Then maybe after that, you'd tell Sai he had a nice smile, and that Naruto wasn't annoying.

... Not that you thought the opposite of them. They were all delightful to be around. Though you'd probably take anyone's company over the one you had. You'd even indulge Diaval in the stupid stuff he says. Like 'His bars are so sick, it hit me in the—' he didn't finish that sentence. Probably because what he was about say was embarrassing. Still, that was better than the group in front of you going on about how they contributed in the fight.

Outside of Sasuke, their contribution was little.  Jugo got his ass handed to him and turned into a kid after helping Sasuke back to full health. Suigetsu got his moment interrupted after you knocked him out of the way to wrestle with the eight-tails instead and Karin... Well, she healed Sasuke you were pretty sure. Now that you thought of it, Sasuke got his ass handed to him way too much to have made an actual contribution, right? Sure, his black flames helped, but you didn't need him to have done that. You would have been just fine without it.

"What were you saying about his raps earlier, Diaval? You said he hit you in the what?" You questioned under your breath. No matter how quiet you tried to keep, it seemed they always heard you, anyway. You didn't know what would make you seem less crazy, whispering it to yourself, or speaking at a normal volume. Though, no matter how you responded to Diaval, they'd think you were crazy, anyway.

But they didn't have much room to speak, you saw how crazy Jugo looked when his curse mark got activated! He was a bad crazy, though. He couldn't live up to his craziness and just got humbled hard. And Sasuke of all people was their group leader, he had to be the craziest son of a bitch you knew. Though, the two of you were pretty similar, so you should probably not think that way.

'Shut up!' Diaval responded to you. It seemed like the roles were reversed here, it was always you yelling at the dragon to shut up, and now it was his turn to tell you to shut up. 'Making fun of me after the big favor I did for you sure shows what nerve you have. Maybe you were just embarrassing him in front of his little friends.

"We're headed to the stone village next, to retrieve the Jinchuuriki of the light dragon. Once that's over, we'll have favors with the Akatsuki." Sasuke spoke after a pregnant silence; he had been regaining his composure after at least eight near death experiences. Eight was childs play, though. He should try 1,148 deaths!

"Sasuke, are you sure it's smart to ramble on about your plans infront of that chick?" Suigetsu whispered to Sasuke, whose reply was a scoff.

"She hardly looks like she knows whats shes doing outside of her own head. Even if Madara asked her to relay her expierence with us, she wouldn't even know what to say." He answered smoothly. Not only that, but he hardly believed you were so willing to spill everything to the man, you didn't even look like you wanted to be here right now, so he'd take his chances.

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