59 | rough interrogation

481 46 5

On your way back to the Leaf, being carried by Lee, you happened to run into Sasuke and Shisui. Where Sasuke blatantly refused to return, Shisui turned himself in willingly—partly because he'd seen you amongst them, and there was no more need for putting up fights when he finished ever

You couldn't tell who would be in more trouble, him for helping assassinate the filler Hokage, or you for attempting murder on the Raikages little brother. They both seemed like pretty hefty charges, so you supposed what the answer for both was a whole lot of jail time.

Naruto was appointed to carry Shisui, but he passed out due to some poisoned Kunai he apparently got scratched by. And with Karin coming along for the ride, Kakashi kept Shisui, Sakura was stuck with Karin, and you were already being carried by Lee. Neji was freed from any obligations of carrying someone because he was the main scout.

And they picked up her another group of people—Sakura had put Sai and Kiba to sleep and had to snag them on their way back. All the while, you hadn't spoken a word. You felt as if not a single thought had processed through your brain this whole time, while Karin had commented on something time to time, you were completely silent. Shisui didn't say much, either. His eyes constantly wandering back toward you. He blamed himself for the state you were in—having been the one to convince you to meet your sister in the first place.

He couldn't even tell if he had been the one in control of his own mind and actions when he had told you that. And he knew that the only reason why he was still here, while your sister wasn't, was because you took her eyes. A common thing amongst clans with Dojutsu, but it didn't make it any less gross.

He knew the feeling of getting your eyes torn out, too. A baggage lessened thanks to your help, and allowing him to get his own revenge. You helped Neji, too. Doing the impossible, and getting rid of his curse mark—the route of all his eternal struggles throughout his life. It's not like all their problems went away just like that, but that did much more for them than anything else ever had.

Neji was thinking about it, too. Right at the same time Shisui had, he thought of what you did for him. Opening the hatch to a bird's cage, setting it free. That was always the first thing his mind drifted to when it came to the idea of true freedom, and now he felt he was truly on his way to reach out and grab it.

That's what he'd been searching for his entire life, and now that it was just ahead, it felt bittersweet. The one who had set him free and her way to be imprisoned just before war felt like a joke. Yet, he wasn't sure what he could do for you.

Even when you reached the leaf, and you saw the amount of damage left behind by Pain, you didn't think of anything. Not of your home, where you left all of your memories behind in the form of photos that had been destroyed. Or your cat, whose location was unknown. Whether he was alive or not was beyond you, and you didn't even think of it.

It was like any thought had ceased at all, the baggage you had picked up these past few weeks took its toll, and it was like an out of body experience. Like you were looking out of someone else's eyes, despite it being your body. Karin had been the first to be dropped off, offering the most resistance and telling the guards to fuck off.

Maybe you'd be the same, if you were any more aware. Though, it was more likely you wouldn't. You already felt bad enough for yourself, and giving the others trouble felt useless, given the fact that you'd already joined a terrorist organization and gave the Leaf and Sand respectively a bad time, the least you could do was go along silently.

There must have been multiple investigations at once, because all three of you went into different rooms at the same time, and there just so happened to be someone yelling that sounded strangely like Karin.

AFTER DARK | narutoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें