29 | to reveal the center of your heart

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As the three of you approached your destination, Wendy lowered herself onto the floor, taking note of your still sickly self. Which she continued to say was just "motion sickness", it was enough to power you--sitting up from your sickly state to deny it.

"Not possible, I don't know what motiom sickness is, but I don't have it. I'm in motion all the time, so it makes no sense." You said, thinking back to all the times you were in some sort of motion. Running, jumping, a piggy back ride, more running and jumping... Guy doing sit-ups with you on his back if that counted...

"Motion sickness isn't just when you run and jump around." Wendy denied with a nervous smile. "It's more the movement and blur of a fast vehicle, or a fast-moving animal in this case... Which I'm guessing you've never been on one."

You thought of the word vehicle as Shisui answered for you, "I don't even think we've heard of the word vehicle." He explained with a chuckle.

"No! I got it!" You threw your arm up, your behavior almost reflecting Lees. "I know what a vehicle is, but why would I be on one? That's a waste of good food!" Shisui surely noticed that you loosened up all of a sudden, and he was hoping it was more than just your sudden sickness affecting you.

"Pretty sure you're thinking of a vegetable, M'lady." Shisui corrected, turning to look at you. You leaned into him, shaking your head. 'Is that what a vehicle is?' He couldn't help but think.

"No, no. I know what I'm talking about." You denied, a small smile on your face, and he was quick to smile back.

"I'm not so sure, as you said... Why would you be on one?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Huh... I guess the Leaf doesn't have those kind of advancements.." Wendy observed before shaking her head, hopping high enough so she could float, stretching her arm out. "It doesn't matter... Welcome to the Cait Shelter!" She smiles, happy to show off her home to the two of you, only to be shot down in a single sentence.

"You don't mean 'shed'?" Shisui commented, earning an elbow to his back as you jabbed him. He saw Wendys smile falter as she lowered her head. "Shed?" She repeated, "Talk about cruel..."

"Way to go..." You whispered.

"Sorry...!" He quickly blurted, "It's a lovely place!" He corrected, and Wendy quickly sprang back up, another smile on her face.

"It's okay! The insides a lot better, anyway!" She said, leading the two of you off of Carla and inside the place. Shisui still couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"It's even sadder than your place, M'lady!" He quickly blurted, comparing the shelters main room to your living room--yours atleast had a couch, but there was only a vase and a picture from on the wall here.

"My apartment isn't even that empty..!" You defended yourself before you pinched his cheek. "You've never been picky before. so don't start now! You could at least be grateful!" He put his hand over yours, resting it there for a second before attempting to pry it off.

"Sorry! It's just been so long since we've had a place to stay...!" He explained, shutting his eyes as you pulled on his cheek. He was right, the last time you had a place to stay was when you snuck into the sand and visited Gaara--which had to be almost a year ago. Since then... You hadn't made much progress in finding your father, but you did well in training. Kibaki was a great punching bag!

Wendy ignored his comment this time, leading the two of you into a room. "This can be your room... I'm sure the main host won't mind at all when I tell them about your situation! It has two beds because..." She looked around sheepishly. "I don't know your relationship." This room was a lot liver than your place, and actually everything you could ever hope to have in your room. There were plants.... And posters. Yeah, the only two things in anyones room, you assumed. There was a desk too—and "A personal bathroom! Everyone get's one, but it's pretty small."

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