15 | severed connections

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You found there wasn't much you wanted to do come the following month, you had visited Lee three times - all of which he was unconscious in. You brought him flowers the first time, but they were bound to be wilting now. You also visited Hinata, who was deemed to be unconscious for a few weeks - you bought her flowers as well. Thanks to the nice Ino girl - you were able to choose the perfect ones for both of them. A few daisies for Hinata, a flower that represented a lot of things in her, you decided to go with the bright yellow ones, something that could hopefully lift her mood. For Lee, you had decided on Amsonias, to symbolize his strength, hard work determination. Although you figured neither would understand what the flowers meant, you felt your budget for the month was well spent.

Another than that, you would lay around. It was the longest you had gone without training, but you found you didn't care for it. You would stare at your ceiling in silence, alone with yourself and your thoughts. Not even Diaval could bother you, not when you had blocked them from your mind. Actually, you weren't sure how to open it for them to see. But maybe it was better this way.

Guy had pulled you and Neji out to train once a week, but he decided the atmosphere was too awkward to continue with that. Both you and Neji were mad at each other for whatever reason, and despite his best attempts, you two failed to get along as well as before. His initial thought was that it was Lee's absence, but when he thought back to all your training sessions - you two got along just fine without Lee around. Neji even seemed to prefer your tame personality compared to Lee's rambunctious one. He felt like a failure of a Sensei, but he hoped you two would sort it out come the end of the month. The argument you two had was almost an exact replica of the one you had when you first met.

"You're really starting to get on my nerves, you know that?" It was hard to keep your nerves settled when Neji was doing so well in being irritating as of late. Especially when he would brush off whatever you said with a smug look and a chuckle.

"Quit it with the smug look!" You demanded, stepping closer to Neji, closing in some distance.

"That's my normal expression." He mocked, recalling your first meeting.

Guy was the one to step between the two of you now, hands on his hips as he narrowed his eyes. "You two, act like proper teammates!" He demanded, not expecting the two hands that came to hit his cheeks at full force - you hit him with a closed fist while Neji hit him with an open palm.

It was quick to knock him away, sending him falling backward while you and Neji got closer to each other, the two hands used to knock him out coming together in a test of who was stronger.

"Nice going, douche. You knocked out our sensei!" You scoffed, an irritated smile coming onto your face as you gripped his hand with more strength.

"You're the one that punched him." He added his pressure to your hand, pressing it toward you. "Not me."

"I'm not falling for your irritating tricks, punk." Now your eyes were shut - as were his as the two of you continued to struggle to press the others hand harder.

"You're just too irritable. It's not my fault you felt sadness toward that spoiled brat of the main branch. Which is none of your concern at all." Neji scoffed.

"Well, if I remember correctly you said you didn't care if someone commented on your clan? Don't tell me you want to be sensitive about it now?" You teased, egging him on instead.

What neither of you had expected was the fists to your faces - Guy had efficiently knocked both of you out. Not without a heavy heart, he ended up mourning as if he had killed you both. Seeing you both unconscious, he really hoped the two of you would go back to getting along again. Whatever had happened during the Chunnin exams managed to drive the two of you apart by a noticeable amount. Besides, the three of you had missions to go on after the finals.

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