51 | lose your mind, lose your way

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Your sister was fast, but not fast enough. The speed of a Kyubi was far more overwhelming than hers, outside of her Seishingan, there wasn't much she knew how to do. She'd never bothered with it, being able to control any ghost she wanted at any moment – to take their own abilities for herself, but that didn't mean she was a master at it. She tried to trap you in a cage of wood, but you gnawed on it and dug your way out.

She tried the flying raijin, the technique Tobirama created himself, but for one—it was far too mentally taxing, and two—any distance she created between the two of you was closed within a matter of seconds. She stumbled over tree stumps, nearly losing her footing.

She wasn't aware that she had completely run circles—until the two of you ended up on the same cliff you began at, your teeth bared and yellow eyes shining at her. Her chakra was spent, her chest heaving as you finally ran her into a corner. She took a few steps back, until the sole of her foot nearly caused her to lose balance and fell.

This was it—she knew it, too. The horror-stricken look on her face combined with the heavy sweat on her face giving away what she felt. The Seishingan in her eyes faded away, leaving just her normal colored eyes. Eyes full of terror—that you didn't feel any remorse for. The two of you seemed to be frozen in time, throughout the entire chase, you hadn't even used Ninjutsu, the only use of chakra being the overwhelming elements of fire, wind, and darkness you used to build the atmosphere...

Her dark colored eyes were on yours, her breath heavy. She knew there was no way out of this, a plead with only have her down for the counter faster than she already was. She noticed the way your beast-form began to suck in the air around the two of you. Well, she knew it was more like a meal to you, stripping the air in her lungs—air that she was already short of as she hyperventilated. As if your Chakra wasn't already 300x more than hers, you went a restored it.

It took her a moment to realize that you weren't restoring chakra, but charging an attack. An attack she wouldn't be able to avoid even if she tried—unless she fell backward, off the small cliff. She wondered if she'd even die on the impact... And now she was seriously considering it.

Just one step back, and she could possibly escape.

One step back, and she took it.

Her foot gave way under her weight, and she fell. She was sure that was it, suicide or a way of  escape—she was fine with either outcome. As long as it was away from you, it was fine.

Though, she didn't think too far ahead on her plan.

Instead of falling, you grabbed her by the end of her shirt, keeping her suspended in the air.  This time, she didn't restrain the cry she felt bubbling in her throat. A loud, unadulterated cry—letting her terror be known in full. She plead to you, her hands wrapping around your wrist to let her go. She tried her Seishingan, turning on the Kekkei Genkai and turning to look at you. She called out the only person she could think of that could stop you—but he didn't come. Shisui did not come.

So tried Wendy, but she didn't come either. Every ghost that she'd use the blood bond for, didn't answer her call, and instead—she was left with you. Your eyes met for what seemed like the hundredth time, full of malice. Her starry eyes increased your anger, making it boil over into another blind rage.

You threw yourself over the cliff, her in hand as the two of you began to free fall. You didn't let go of her shirt, until her Akatsuki cloak tore under the pressure of her weight, and under your sharp claws. As she fell, you let out the wind attack you had charged up and directed it straight toward her. She hit the floor with a loud thud, a crater forming under her.

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