2 | similar to me, but not to you.

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Naruto turned out to be quite a loud neighbor. You supposed he didn't have much to worry about before, seeing as you were the only other person in his apartment complex. Maybe it was popular with the orphans.

Even though you were across from him, you could hear when he would get up at random times, thumping around doing who knows what - it was weird. Though, if you went to bed when you were supposed to, it wouldn't bother you. So you kept your mouth shut about it, attending to your own thing. You quickly came to find out that there was a blonde ghost that liked to roam the halls, the first night you moved in - he roamed inside. He looked pretty freaked out at the sight of somebody, and well, he never returned after. But you would catch sight of him when you would leave your apartment - which would usually happen when you had chores to take care of.

You managed to ignore him the first couple of times - but eventually, you had let it known that you could see him - when you jolted to a halt when you were running down the halls - in a hurry to throw your trash out before the emptied them for the week. From behind - and in the hurry, you were in, you assumed he was a live person. Which was a mistake.

He turned around, eyes trailing down to you before they widened. They were focused on the top of your head since you seriously refused to look up - in search for a reaction, he put his hand through your head, making you shiver. You quickly looked up, glaring at him. "Don't do that again." You seriously hated that feeling.

"Oh, so someone as young as you really has unlocked the Poltigan?" (Polti? Poltergeist? Yea I'm a genius) He asked, he wasn't sure it he should be impressed, or if he should've been considered. After all, unlocking even the base form of the Poltigan required serious conditions or burden on physical or mental health.

"Seems the Leaf really like my clan." You sighed, circling around him to continue walking forward. He followed behind you, eager to continue the talk the two of you were having.

"Perhaps not the entire Leaf, but a good friend of mine was of [Lastname] descent." He answered, a small smile on his face. "As far as I'm aware, she was one of the few clan members to unlock all five stages of her Poltigan. It's impressive what your clans Kekkei Genkai can do."

"That so?" You asked, face devoid of a reaction. "Impressive." It really was impressive, seeing as the first five stages weren't even the full extent of the Poltigan, the requirements for the first five were impossible enough.

"That's right. The one she made a Chakra-Control Blood Seal with was an old legend from the Uchiha clan." He smiled, "Such a powerful technique, proves pretty useful, too."

"That's nice." You nodded, walking down the steps to get onto the first floor. You were being so vague with your answers, he assumed you were simply trying to look as if you weren't speaking to yourself.

"I'm sure she was a legend in your clan too? [MotherName]?" He asked, still smiling as he phased himself through the floor. He landed right in front of you as you came to a halt, eyes wide. You weren't aware that the woman known as your mother was one of the only two to achieve the fifth stage of your Kekkei Genkai.

He looked taken aback by your obvious reaction - much clearer and more expression than the last ones.

"So... I take it she was? Did you know her? I'm not sure what happened to her after the Nine tails attack."

"Did I know her?" You repeated, voice hushed and you looked side to side. "That woman was my mother!" You answered him, throwing the trash bag off to the side - hoping it landed next to the garbage can.

He was silent for a second before laughing. "Well, the resemblance is definitely there. I suppose I should've figured." He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "And of course the daughter of someone so strong would unlock the Poltigan so young."

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