9 | chuunin exams

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Four months after Naruto became a Genin, he was already hit with the opportunity of a Chuunin exam. This was your second opportunity, your team had rejected the first one to become stronger first. It wasn't that you wanred to skip out on it - but since your teammates wanted to, you had to aswell. They were held with Genin of all sorts of other villages. Which meant the Sand village.

"Is it just me, or does it look like [Firstname] has been moping?" Lee asked, whispering into his teammates ear so that you wouldn't hear him speaking of you. Neji nodded in agreement, arms crossed.

"Clearly," He agreed. "Not that I don't blame her... Ninjas of her old home town are coming to the Leaf, don't you remember what time of year it is?"

Lee thought for a second, he was never good with dates. "The time of year sunsets are the prettiest?"


"The time of year where the sakura blossoms fall?"


"The time of year someone roasts chestnuts on an open fire?"

"No! It's-"

"Hmmm. The time of year someone looks around at the loving couples of the world and mourn?"


You had walked over to them at all the talking they were doing, "Oh, I remember! The Chuunin exams!" He lit up, making Neji sigh. He got stuck with one of the dumbest people on the planet. "I also remember that for the first time in five years, there are going to be rookies in this exam." Lee mumbled, leaning back agaist a tree.

"And of course, Kakashis team will be participating..."

"I'm sure they've been through some rough training these past months." Neji hummed before a smile made its way onto his face. "But in the end, I can't help but feel sorry for them." He was crossing his arms.
"Being in a team with Kakashi, they must believe they're strong enough to actually face the challenges in a Chuunin exam."

. . .

Being inside the building you had to enterregister for the the exams made you feel antsy, you felt you were going to see a familiar face. As to why it made you feel so nervous, you weren't entirely sure. Maybe it was their reaction to you if the recognized you, or maybe they'd see your clans crest on the back of your shirt and freak out.

"We should not draw attention to ourselves. The less our abilities are known, the better, do you not think so?" Lee said, arms crossed as the three of you stood on the second floor. It was full of foreign villagers.

"Yes, that's the smartest way to act. But your ridiculous appearance alone attracts attention." Neji sighed, following Lee as he led the group of you down the hall.

"You think it 'attracts' people? That is so kind, Neji!" Lee rephrased. He was acting dumb, but you knew he did it on purpose - he always rephrased what Neji said in the search of rising a reaction out of him. His reactions slowly downgraded from 'You know that's not went I meant!' to a loud sigh.

Your group was the first to make it to the designated room - but the way was covered by a group of fellow Leaf Ninjas.

"Excuse me... But it seems you are blocking the way." Lee said, politely asking them to move. Their arrogance exceeded them, however - when they placed their hands on their hips to lean in and laugh in Lees face. "Seriously? We're doing a service picking kids like you out of this field." The first one laughed.

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