63 | madara uchiha was a fraud?!?

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"This heat... It is overwhelming..." Lee's eyes squinted, a hand coming up to attempt and block the waves of heat that crashed toward them. This heat was familiar in a way. Uncomfortably hot and dangerous—but he had never been on the receiving end of it, before.

"This heat is the same as [Firstname]s." Guy observed. That's where the familiarity came from, Lee figured he should've realized sooner. It had the same power and heat behind it—yet this was a sinister heat. It had taken out a hefty amount of shinobi already, chipping down at their numbers before anyone could even react.

For a second, Lee thought it might have been you who was attacking—but that didn't make any sense. Albeit you were a criminal, there was no malice attached to you when Lee had carried you all the way back to the Leaf village. If anything, you seemed mellow for who was supposedly a cold blooded murderer.

"It's coming from the [Lastname]," Kakashi told them. "I had a feeling this may have happened, there've tales about this before. In that book [Firstname]s own very mother entrusted me with, there were tales of a white haired lady with the powers of a dragon." He explained. "Even my own Sensei told me this, though, with him, it was probably just because I had white hair, too."

Lee looked over at him. 'He's always had white hair?! I just thought he was stressed!' Was his thought process, "So then, she has the same powers as [Firstname] entirely? With abilities like that, it would be hard to defeat this enemy..."

Kakashi nodded, he agreed. He'd met all sort of powerful ninja before. All formidable foes that he managed to bounce back from. But this was someone with double the chakra, with a heat so strong that could melt through stone if it tried.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the reincarnated woman began to weave hand signs—the first one he caught onto was the sign for 'fire'.

'That can wipe out about half of us if we aren't careful', he thought to himself before yelling at everyone to get down and take cover.

But something else took the hit entirely, shaking off the heat. He reared his head up, seeing two figures.

"That was hot..." The first one spoke, "I nearly felt it."

"Oh, I definitely felt that..." The second one spoke.

October 10th, 4:57PM, Shisui Uchiha and [Firstname] [Lastname] joined the Shinobi alliance.

"Shisui!" You whirled you head back, your eyes comedically round at the sight of the damage done to Shisui. You two got a minor outfit swap before running out onto the field, because to be honest—fighting barefoot wasn't on your list of things to do. It seemed Uchihas got fire proof outfits, too—because it sizzled off of his clothes, but his face was entirely charred.

"I thought we shared the same abilities?!" You asked in a panic. That was the general census about your blood bond, well, it was more like your sisters blood bond that carried on because you literally had her eyes now.

"I'm fine," he insisted, the damage seemed to eventually heal over. Right, he didn't really take damage that you didn't, which made him invincible in a way. "I guess sharing abilities is to an extent. Too bad fire resistance wasn't one of the things I took... But hey, if you took powers fully, you'd be too overpowered!" He joked, recovering from the attack.

"But people would be pissed if I were weak, people always have to complain about something." You murmured.

"I agree! You're too wise, M'lady." Shisui went ahead and agreed without hesitation.

"Anyway, are you planning to stay here, or are you gonna go find Neji?" He asked you. Of course he knew what was on your mind, it was blatantly obvious. Ever since dying a thousand time and seeing all your loved ones die, it was the forefront of your mind.

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