12 | congrats in order

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"So... All we need to do now is open the scroll?" Lee asked, the group of you were on the floor, staring down ar the two scrolls you had collected.

"Well, yes. If we deciphered their message correctly, that's what we need to do." Neji nodded, Byakugan activated. He was using whatever Chakra he had left to use it in attempts to see the contents of the scroll. "It's sealed by a summoning Jutsu," You could see him squint, "Covered by a secret binding Jutsu, It's clear this is meant to be kept a secret, even from Byakugan users." He explained.

You reached out for the scrolls, Lee grabbing the other.  Nejis Byakugan deactivated, by far overused now. He'd have to take advantage of the rest of the days your group had to rest, since you all made it in a little over a day, that meant he had at least three or four.

"If it is a summoning Jutsu, then what, shall we throw them?" He asked, toying with the end of the scroll - ready to open it. You nodded at his question, standing up. He followed your example.

"I wonder if all the scrolls summon the same thing?" You wondered, "There's thirteen of each scroll, so if they're all different, what do they summon together?" You ended your questions once you pulled the scroll open, Lee quickly doing the same. Lee chucked as far as he could, while you threw it underhand.

Because of the difference of how you threw your scrolls, whatever was inside stumbled back - hitting the wall through the smoke before they adjusted themselves just in time for the smoke to clear. You recognized her as your old academy teacher, she fixed a stray hair before trying to play it cool.

"Looks like my prediction was on point!" She greeted, eyes shut as Neji stood from the floor. "You guys look a little beat up, but you were the second team to pass... I hope you all know how impressive that is for a group of rookies." She praised. But you were wondering how she was summoned from the scroll, was she inside of the seal, or somewhere else similar to how you conjured people? Lee questioned her; none of the questions you were wondering, but as to why she of all people were there to greet you.

"Once I heard my three cute students we're taking the exam, I just knew I had to be here to congrat you all." She smiled, stepping closer to the group of you all. "But... Seeing all of your Ninja bands now, I guess none of you are my students anymore, huh?" She almost sounded a little disheartened, walking a little closer to the three of you before she pulled you in for a hug.

Lee yelped at the suddenty of it, he was only used to sudden hugs from Guy. Neji grumbled something out, he was never a fan of hugs, especially ones from people he hardly knew. You were silent, being in the middle meant you were pressed against her chest. "Seeing kids I've known since they were only five makes me emotional!" She only knew you since you were seven, but you understood the point she was making. "I'm guessing you all managed to dechiper the code, too?"

Neji grumbled out a 'yes', explaining the writing on the wall that he managed to figure out. "If you lack heaven, seek wisdom. If you lack earth, run in the fields, seek advantages. Heaven and earth referring to one's physical and mental strength. If you have both of them, success in even the hardest of missions will be made easier. These rules will guide a persons extremes." You were grateful having Neji on your team,  he was the genius of it. Being able decipher that message down to the last detail wasn't something easy - you had helped him with small parts of it, but he got the big picture.

Your teacher smiled before letting you all go. You were still stunned into silence, but you listened. "You all passed on the first day, so I won't hold you up any longer..." She smiled, "Get some rest while waiting for the others, there's only one other team in there as of now. From the sand." You could feel your body jolt. "Scary little guys... But with the Chunnin motto in mind, I'm sure you guys have grown just a little more. That's all... Don't push yourselves to hard." And like that, she disappeared. So... What was the point of summoning her?

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