31 | into the akatsukis lair

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"It was my lucky day, Sasori my man... Three of them down in one go, mhm!" The blonde mans clay sure proved useful in transportation, carrying all three said Jinchuuriki. "The Kazekage was the only one that actually put up a fight though.. I caught the fire one off guard--and you all said I couldn't deal with her. Mhm."

"No one said you couldn't." Sasoris gruff voice responded. "... And don't let it get to your head. You made me wait forever, and you know I hate waiting."

"You hate a lot of things... You didn't even let me finish, the wind girl just kept eating air, anxious eaters are so stupid. She didn't do anything to fight back, a little boring; but I did it all myself, mhm."

"Only one fought you and you think you're all great..."

"I didn't see you do anything." The blonde crossed his arms, "Dealt with some guards--and you're the one from this place! A coward is what you were, my man."

Shisui was following them the whole time, in his invisible ghost form way, he hadn't been this way in a long time, because one-you always had him under your Jutsu, and two, you don't ever lose consciousness. But Shisui was angry, the one time he left you alone, you'd been attacked. And he believed the blonde when he said he took you down off guard, he remembered the first explosion he heard came from the area you were in, loud—and so big the ground rumbled from where he was, but he didn't get the chance to feel it—because your Jutsus effects were released at the same second.

Wendy went ahead of him—fast and with a purpose to make sure you and the Kazekage were okay. Shisui knew she wasn't much of a fighter, definitely more of a support. This was the consequence of his decisions, all three of you taken down—and now all he could do was tail and follow the group of you like an idiot.

"Huh, looks like we got company my man." The blonde turned his head, laying his hands against his clay bird. "...From the sand, too. I think I'll leave this to you." He grinned.

"No you won't!" Shisui recognized the voice, it was Kankuro—he had followed them out here. Most likely for his brother, and a little part for you. "I won't let you leave!" Kankuros puppets were by his side in a quick motion, his arms stretched out.

"A puppet user... Heh, this'll be easy for you, my man. Mhm." The blonde, stuck his tongue out, waving at the man as his bird rose higher. "Don't keep me waiting, hmm.. Bye, now." As much as Shisui would love to stick around and watch the fight that would most likely be one-sided, he went ahead—following the blonde one.


I already sent Kakashis team on this mission, but I've decided that it's best to send back up." Tsunade initially had trouble choosing which team to send in for backup, of all the available teams, there was one that stood out. "This girl here is Tenten, we'll temporarily place her on this team, I've decided that your team, plus her specialities would be best suited for this..."

Neji and Lee looked over the girl silently, the only greeting was from Lee--a far to overwhelming greeting for the likes of the poor girl. Guy was listening closely to what mission he was given.

Tenten was starry-eyed, beyond honored Tsunade chose her of all people. From what she heard, this was an A-rank, nearing S-rank mission. She heard you left the Leaf a while back, and it looked like she had to fill the gap for this mission. "It's a retrival mission..." Tsunade only had one thing holding her back about choosin this team, and that was... Well, any personal connections.

We received a report saying the Kazekage of the Sand had been kidnapped by the Akatsuki..." Tsunade had been looking through the mission file, over and over again.The Kage of their supporting village going missing was a shock, but what shocked her even further was the fact that... You had been on the same page, you had gone missing, too. It was a relief at the same time, she felt guilty almost, denying your leave and having to put you on a list for pending 'betryal', since you left anyway. As far as anyone knew, it could be true, that you decided to betray the village.

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