60 | high stake battle

505 46 9

You weren't quite sure if war had already started. You had no way to tell when you were behind bars, and the guards seemed too busy to actually attend the prisoners to answer any question you might've had. It had only been a day at most, but the lack of guards seemed suspicious to you.

They must have been running out of space, because you got stuck with Karin in the same cell. And right across from you, was Shisui. Throughout the first day, all you'd beem doing was sitting. You had time to think over the events of the past few weeks. And, of course, thinking so much made you disassociate from the people around you.

Your sister, your father, the Akatsuki, your teammates, and now war.

"That's a little creepy, don't you think?" Shisui asked, watching Karin across from him as she kissed at a picture of Sasuke.

She didn't seem to take kindly to being called a creep, and it managed to knock her out of her stupor. "Who are you calling a creep?!" She yelled from across from her. "You're the one watching a girl sort out her private deeds!"

"Not like I'm enjoying the view..." Shisui mumbled under his breath, sweat dropping at the wild accusations Karin threw his way. "Didn't he stab you? What's so appealing about that?"

"Augh!" Karin clenched her fist. "He did! That asshole! He's so—so..." She struggled to find the word for it for a moment before she giggled. "Hot!!" Her fangirling managed to pull even you out of your brooding silence.

"Creepy." You put it bluntly.

"What?!" She turned toward you. You were on the top bunk of your shared beds, and looking down at her with a grossed outlook. "Can't you mind your own business?"

"We share the same room." You closed your eyes. "It's almost impossible to mind my business." You sighed, closing your eyes. Silence settled between the group of you, and it was only then that the silence that had settled throughout the entire leaf came to your attention. The other prisoners weren't speaking, there were no people on the streets talking or rustling, and there probably weren't even guards around anymore.

"Karin, let me step on you."

"What?!" Karin practically shrieked. "Who do you think you are to tell me to let you step on me?! Give me a good reason why I shouldn't beat you up!"

You sighed, closing your eyes. "I want to peak through the window. It's quiet, a lot quieter than it should be." You spoke.

Karin went quiet, listening out for anybody. But there was nothing. "Fine, okay!" She said exasperatedly, she even seemed a bit eager to get on the floor right under the high up window. "Just get it over with!"

You couldn't help the bead of sweat that rolled down your cheek at how quickly she got into position, but you played along. You jumped right off of the bed, and onto her back.

"Augh!" Her arms gave out underneath her, and she fell. "Don't you have any decency?! You could have gotten down and then stepped on, not jumped on me!" She yelled.

"Sorry, sorry." You said, two hands on the sill of the window. "Just stop moving, would you? You're shaking me up here." You said as you got on your tippy toes to try and take a peak outside.

Karin let out an annoyed sound, and managed to lift herself back up. "I don't feel any chakra besides our own in here." She spoke. "In fact, when we were being moved in here, those other prisoners didn't even have noticeable chakra presences." She sounded serious about this.

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