50 | watchful eyes in the darkness

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'About time...' Diaval chuckled. You weren't sure if his voice was irritating to you or not, but it stood out in the sea of white noise. 'Finally, you stop acting like a saint, and show what you really want.'

What you really wanted...

'You want to kill her.'

Yes, you did want to kill her. After all she's done, you wanted her dead. That realization should have come a lot sooner. You didn't care if she was one year younger or five, she should've died in place of your clan.

'I've said before, things like that bother me, too.' He laughed, 'I also said... That I could kill them.'

Your sister was caught off guard as you stood yourself up from the floor after sustaining so much damage—albeit fake—brutal enough to make anyone else stand down without a problem. A bead of sweat rolled down her temple as she took a step back. 'This was supposed to be easy... Even if Shisui was close to her, she shouldn't have figured it out! Tobi said the Sharingan was fool proof!' She grimaced at her own thoughts.

'Go for it, [Sister]! I don't know much about it, but the Sharingan is fool proof!' Is word for word what he said, but now that she thought back to it, it was her fault for taking a fool's word for it, she could practically hear his 'just kidding!' Damn Tobi...

Now that she thought of him, she was sure he could feel his chakra around. That Chakra she had always considered impressive—and surprisingly threatening for such a fool. He clearly escaped Deidaras last explosion, seeing as her Seishingan couldn't summon him. Even if he did live, why was he here now?

'Diaval, you must be careful...' Kaida spoke to him, sounding worried for once.

'Don't worry over what I'm doing, sweetheart.' Diaval answered, voice gruff as it always was.

'Well, don't get us all killed.' In a split-second decision, blinded by anger and annoyance that all built up due to the recent events, you blocked her from your presense—blocking her from seeing whatever you saw, as well as blocking her voice from your mind.

Diaval cackled. 'That's it.'

'Give it to me'—what—'and I'll make sure you never have to worry about it again.' A tempting offer. Far too tempting, your blood was boiling at an almost literal degree. It almost hurt, your skin chipping away to become something else, though pain was the last thing on your mind, now. If the way your skin bubbled, and the red chakra cloak around you was anything to go off, your anger was evident. Anger that you'd never felt at such a degree before.

Any anger you've felt in your life was trivial compared to now — the times Shikamaru pissed you off being blatantly misogynistic, your short period of brooding over what Sasuke said about you and your clan, all the times your cat would mess things up around your already sad apartment.

None of those instances even seemed like anger, now. Whether it be for vengeance, justice, or any other moral code that sugarcoated your anger, you'd stop at nothing to have her dead. You'd passed any other forms like someone like Naruto had—you only ever had Diaval take full control.

'Crap, she's got that Jinchuuriki cloak like the last one.... No, she's actually starting to turn into that ugly beast.' [Sister] grimaced at the sight of it, her sweat growing stronger at the heat she began to feel. Heat radiating from none other than you—in your Kyubi form you weren't even aware you were capable of. 'I can't outrun a Jinchuuriki, and I most likely can't overpower it. When a Jinchuuriki loses control like this, all you can hope to do is outsmart it, right?' She tried to reason. 'That's it, I'll out smart it.'

'Outsmart me?' She was caught off guard by the intruding voice entering her head. 'I wouldn't be so sure.' [Sister] let out a small gasp, caught off guard by the unexpected voice. She'd forgotten all about the things she's heard about the five dragons, and now she felt she should have paid a lot more attention—she knew that the Akatsuki managed to get swindled by some cat, as embarrassing as it was, but she had no idea that it went ahead and gave the Yin dragon to you. Its special ability was blatantly obvious now, having not only read her mind, but communicated to her through it.

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