"Stay still or I will not let you use my black card again"

With that threat,she shut up. With a small grumble,she leaned against his half unbuttoned clothed chest. They stayed in a comfortable silence.

Arabella sighed feeling a bit too much comfortable in his arms and asked,"Seriously though,don't you have work?"

Ian snuggled against her neck,"I do"

"Then why are you here?"

"Can't I take a day off to spend time with my wife?"

Arabella,"Just to spend time with me? "


Arabella bit her lip feeling a bit shy. She didn't know why but she felt her some tickling sensation in her stomach. But still she couldn't let her guard down. The man is dangerous to her.

Thus she tried to change the topic. She looked at his arm before tracing her fingers along the veins of his left arm. "Why don't you have any tattoos?"

Ian was off guard with the weird question. "Hm? Tattoos?"

"Yeah",she took his arm to her hands and examine it. There were some scars but they were not ugly. She found then beautiful and manly. "In TV series,I've seen mafias with Tattoos in their whole body. But you got none. Why?"

Ian had never thought of getting a tattoo. The word tattoo never came to his head before since he had been too busy to even think about his own self. "No reason? Do you want me to have tattoos?"

Arabella shrugged her shoulders,"That's not what I meant. I was just wondering"

"Do you think tattoos are cool?",Ian asked.


"What kind of tattoos do you like?",Ian asked further as he let his wife play with his fingers. It was strangely calming to look at his play with his hand. Her delicate fingers touching his hand was addictive. He couldn't help but to place kiss behind her ear.

Arabella wasn't startled when he kissed behind her ear. She was getting used to his touches already. And these days he had been too touchy with her. Not that she complains.

"I like tattoos with a unique design. It differs from person to person though. For example,a musical note tattoo wouldn't suit a man with no sense of music. But this is just the way I see",she smiled as she explained. 

Ian smiled as he looked at her passionate facial expressions. Something inside him felt warmth. He wanted to cling to that pleasant feeling. This was Peter's idea to bring her out for a little picnic. Plan:making her fall in love,but why does he enjoy this moment more than to his liking?

"By the way,why are you dressed like that? You don't have work,dress comfortably",Arabella said as she tugged at his shirt sleeve.

True to her words,he was wearing one of his office clothes. A pair of black jeans with a black dress shirt. Even his gun was tucked under his belt.

"Your husband is a billionaire with a massive business along with the underground mafia businesses I run,my dear wife. I am always busy. I will have to run whenever there would be an emergency. Thus,I need to be prepared"

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