Chapter 4: Best Friend

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Come to think of it, Seokjin must be grateful to that incompetent car saloon. It had been two days and they still hadn't finished installing the new sound system for Taehyung's car. They made excuses about the complexity of the installation process and the particular stereo system set itself for Taehyung's particular car. That was why, that gorgeous head peeked into his office again this evening.

"Hyung, dinner at my place?" Taehyung offered.

"Hm? Ah, sure!" Seokjin smiled and grabbed his leather sling bag. "Grocery store first?"

"Yeah. Do you mind steak for dinner?"

"No, not at all. Let's go!"


Seokjin's black BMW went out of his designated parking lot reserved only for him, then ran smoothly on the road. His smooth silky fingers gripped the steering wheel casually. His clear brown eyes focus on the traffic ahead.

Taehyung glanced at him from the passenger seat. There was something different about Seokjin. Something new. Something he had never seen before, and it gave him an unsettling feeling, he didn't know why.

"Hyung..." He stopped then. Unsure.


A wedding ring? Or was that an engagement ring on his finger? Surely Seokjin Hyung would tell him (and his group of friends) if he married or engaged with someone, right? No matter how sudden that was! They were friends, right?! He wouldn't keep such a big secret from his friends, right?!

"What is it, Tae?" The said-man asked him again.

".... what's with the ring?" Taehyung finally asked in a low voice.

"Aaaah!!" Seokjin chuckled. "I forgot to take it off."


"There was a... drama... about two weeks ago. One of my patient's grandmother forced me to get to know her granddaughter..."

"To date her?!" There was a slight anger in Taehyung's voice, he didn't even realize why.

"Well, yeah..."

"It wasn't the first time for you! And what did you tell her?!" Taehyung asked impatiently.

"Well, the grandmother is so old and sweet, and I didn't have the heart to say no."

"You're just too nice, Hyung!" Taehyung scolded in displeasure. "Then what did you do?"

"I met the granddaughter and told her that I'm gay. So that was it."

Taehyung sighed. Many people had eyes on Seokjin in the hospital, some of the braver ones even dared to hit on him directly once they knew that Seokjin was still single, from the patients' families, to their colleagues and hospital staff. He even saw one happening right before his eyes.

It was not like this kind of thing never happened to Taehyung too, but it did happen more to Seokjin because Seokjin was more approachable and always nice to everyone.

"Though that was not the first incident, but that was the one I was cornered and couldn't say no. I don't want this to happen again in the future. That's why I better scare people away before they even ask. And this fake wedding ring is the best solution for people who don't know me just yet, just like the patients' families." Seokjin grinned innocently. "It was the simplest way to fool people into not approaching me in the first place, but I think it'll work so well."

Taehyung went silent for some time. Thinking.

"But why don't you ever see anyone, Hyung?" He asked a while later in a low voice. This curiosity tickled his brain. It had been a long time since he saw Seokjin dating, let alone having a relationship with someone.

Seokjin glanced at his side a little and then went silent. "I don't know." He finally said, refusing to admit anything to the exact same man who was actually the sole reason for that question.

"Huh?" Taehyung was not satisfied with the answer and pursued further. He turned his head to entirely focus on the man beside him.

"Just... don't feel like seeing anyone..." He shrugged.

Taehyung's brain couldn't really digest that information. He, who always had to see someone, to date, or to get laid, didn't understand why a healthy man like Seokjin Hyung chose abstinence, or why didn't he want to get into a relationship.

"You know you're such a catch, Hyung! Heck, you can pick anyone you want and they will agree! Look at you, I mean... You're not only devastatingly handsome, you're also an exemplary human being—-"

Seokjin snorted at that. He didn't really like being complimented. He would go shy and awkward.

"—-You're caring, kind, selfless, compassionate, you're a good human! I swear, anybody would be so lucky to have you as their partner!"

"Can we change the topic, please Tae?!" The voice was still soft, but there was an assertive tone in there. "I'm hungry, I can't make a heavy conversation when I'm hungry." Seokjin reasoned, hoping Taehyung would let this sensitive subject slide.

Taehyung sighed. "Maybe you should go to some blind dates you said your mother had often set you, Hyung. Just once in a while, you know. To see whether you have a connection with one of them? Find the one who really deserves you!"

Seokjin sighed. "Maybe I should." He blankly said, just to make Taehyung stop bringing up this matter. "Now, I won't accept any less than wagyu or hanwoo beef for our dinner!" He parked his car in the grocery store's parking lot. Finally arrived. Finally can stop Taehyung from forcing him to date some random strangers he didn't even want.

"Sure, anything for my best friend!" Taehyung grinned.

Best friend... Yeah.... Best friend... Seokjin grimaced bitterly. A best friend indeed.

They walked into the grocery store and headed directly to the meat aisle. Seokjin let Taehyung pick the meat alone and watched him in silence. Paying close attention to Taehyung's features, his tall nose, his pretty lips, his dainty slender fingers, and how smooth and flawless his honey skin was.

Nevertheless, his attraction to Taehyung was more than just physical factors. Sure, Taehyung was drop-dead gorgeous, but he had a whole lot more than that, things that would be too long for Seokjin to make a list of. And since Seokjin's love language was "giving" rather than "taking", there were things he really wanted to do to and with Taehyung, such as loving him and showering him with so much affection, because he always seemed to be thirsty for love. Maybe it had something to do with Taehyung's upbringing and his estranged parents, just like Seokjin with his father.

And then, Seokjin wanted to take very good care of him, because Taehyung was so careless and negligent. He also wanted to cook for him, because Taehyung often skipped his meal simply because he didn't even remember to eat...


The voice distracted Seokjin from his trail of thoughts. "Uh? Yeah?"

"You're zoning out!"

"Uh... sorry..." Seokjin flustered. "So, lettuce for salad?" He mindlessly picked up the greens from the shelf.



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