Chapter 6: Your Favorite

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Seokjin wasn't exactly in a very good mood that Monday. At dinner on the weekend, his mother caught him off guard, by asking who exactly among his group of friends [whom she had met a few days earlier] that Seokjin really liked? That had made him not even want to date other people for so long?

Seokjin choked on his food and almost shouted, "Mother!"

The question had made his grandfather look up curiously as well. Chuckled as he continued his meal calmly.

"Is he the one who sat beside you?" She pursued.

"Mother..." He pleaded hopelessly.

"And why haven't you told him how you feel, then?" His mother was stubborn.

"He's straight, Mother. Now, can we continue our dinner, please?"

His mother now went silent. "I'm sorry, Seokjina." She mumbled her apology.

"It's okay. I might want to go back on the market anyway. If you still have the list of the eligible ladies for me..."

"Ladies?" She furrowed. "Are you sure?"

"I am."


And with that, Seokjin now had several pictures of beautiful women in his phone, along with their phone numbers. He had scrolled down and read one by one, looking for the perfect match for himself, the one he could imagine to build a family and grow old with.

The list that his mother gave him was top-notch. The ladies were accomplished, smart, successful, and of course, pretty. Great wife materials. Seokjin felt bad, could he really be devoted and love her enough later?

He should, shouldn't he? So then he would!

He kept scrolling until lunchtime came and he went to the cafeteria to meet his meal buddies. He wanted to ask Taehyung to pick one of them for him. Alas, at the lunch table, Taehyung and Jimin came back with their love adventure stories in the new bar. Seokjin focused hard on his food but still vaguely heard the snippets... hot... pretty... hotel... great sex...

He didn't want to hear it. He just couldn't take it anymore. He ate in a rush and excused himself from there, saying that he had to prepare for a heart transplant surgery for a little girl that afternoon.

Min Yoongi was fed up. He knew precisely why Seokjin left early. As soon as Jin left, he suddenly became chatty on behalf of his best friend's anger. He cut the boys' wild story about their one-night stands, "Ethan asked about Seokjin last time we met. He's interested in him."

"Ethan as in your wife's little brother?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah. Do you guys think I should set them up? Reine said I should. She likes Seokjin and will be very happy if Ethan is dating him."

"Yeah, yeah!" Hoseok said excitedly. "Jin Hyung hasn't dated for years. And that French dude is sweet and drop-dead gorgeous... blond hair and blue eyes!" He whistled. "I think they will be a perfect match!"

Taehyung furrowed in displeasure. "Don't you think Ethan is too young for Seokjin hyung?!"

"I think the 6-year gap isn't too far. And Ethan is very mature for his age." Yoongi shrugged at Taehyung's idea, while Hoseok and Jimin nodded in agreement about the age gap.

Taehyung looked visibly upset now. "They come from entirely different worlds!! How could a catwalk model possibly understand how hectic a doctor's job is?!! You know, later on Seokjin hyung would be the one who sacrifices a lot and tolerates that big baby in this kind of age-gaping relationship?!! How is that fair for him?!!" He voiced his disagreement strongly.

"Oh wow! I don't know why you are so upset, Tae!" Yoongi snorted, slammed his chopsticks on the metal tray, and left without any more words. He had enough of this!

"Yeah, why are you so upset, Tae? Who do you think deserves Jin hyung, then? You?!" Jimin chuckled.

"W-what??" Taehyung was baffled.

"What's wrong with you, Tae? You know Ethan is a great candidate." Hoseok shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Jin hyung won't be single forever, Tae. He has to and will meet someone sooner or later. Don't expect him to always be available to pamper you whenever you need him!" He stood up and picked up his food tray. "I'm done here."

Taehyung gulped and looked at Jimin blankly, asking 'what was wrong' without uttering a single word.

"You were bursting out, Tae. That's why." Jimin answered.

"W-what...?" He was confused.

Jimin frowned. "You didn't even realize how angry you were earlier? And you degraded Ethan by calling him a big baby. Like, seriously? What is wrong with you?"

"Uh... I... I just want the best for Seokjin hyung." He reasoned. "I was also suggesting that he should go on a date just a few days ago, but with the one who really deserves him."

"Oh, really?!" Jimin raised his eyebrows. And Taehyung let out a sharp breath because his own best friend didn't seem to believe him.

"And you don't think Ethan is worth it?" Jimin continued.

Taehyung froze. No, not Ethan! Not that blue-eyed blond. "I lost my appetite!" Taehyung snorted and got up from his seat with half of his food still left uneaten.

"Tae, Tae.... Hey...!" Jimin picked up his tray and rushed after him. "I mean, I understand if you don't want Jin hyung to have a lover, considering he always favors you more—-"

"What??!" Taehyung seemed puzzled.

"Huh? What??" Jimin asked back.

"What do you mean he always favors me more? He always treats us all the same!"

"What do you mean he treats us all the same? Are you blind or something?! Jin hyung is indeed nice to everybody, but he always treats you more special. You're clearly his favorite!"

"W-what....?? No, he didn't!"

"Yes he did, you dummy! When did he ever say no to you? How much mess did he clean up for you at work? Who was taking care of you the most when you were sick or drunk? Who eats his cooking the most? Has he ever forgotten your birthday? Has he ever declined even your most weird request?"

Taehyung furrowed deeply and suddenly mute. "Chim... I... uh... Let's just... let's just talk about it some other time, huh? I... uh.... I got a headache..." He then walked away mindlessly with brows furrowed so deep.



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