Chapter 20: Pretense

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Two weeks had passed since Taehyung started to eat lunch together with his group of friends again, and yet another Monday had arrived. Their days were as busy and demanding as usual. From checking on their patients, reviewing their medical charts, to discussing their treatment plans. Taehyung and Jimin started their days doing rounds, visiting their patients, and conducting physical examinations and check-ups. Meanwhile, Min Yoongi had a coronary artery bypass surgery that morning.

Jung Hoseok arrived late at their usual lunch table. Coming straight from the operating room after performing a trigeminal neuralgia surgery, he was still wearing his green scrub. "Where is Jin Hyung?" Seeing everyone was already there, he asked the obvious.

Hearing the question, Min Yoongi eyed Taehyung for a clear reason. But since that man just nonchalantly continued his eating without any intention to answer, pretending as if he didn't know anything about Seokjin, so Yoongi stepped up to answer.

"Pediatric Cardiology Seminar in Busan."

"Ah, until when?" Hoseok fired more questions.

Yoongi eyed Taehyung once again. And that man was still enjoying his damn food! Yoongi groaned internally. "Don't know. But since this weekend, I heard."

What was all this pretense about? Did Taehyung really not know? Yoongi clearly saw Taehyung and Seokjin kissing, and Seokjin didn't deny it when Yoongi confronted him about the truth. Jin was not someone who liked to kiss just about anyone. And if Taehyung was indeed straight, how could he kiss Jin? Like, really, those kinds of lustful kisses? So, something must have happened, right? Though in every lunch for this past two weeks, they have been so quiet as if there was nothing between them.

Or... was there really nothing?? What was the kiss then?

"Are you free this weekend, Tae?" Jimin suddenly asked.


"Let's hit the club again, hm? It's been a long time since the last time we had fun together."

"Eh... I'll pass. Sorry, Chim."

"Since when do you not mind missing out on fun?" Yoongi asked curiously, but Taehyung just shrugged.

That was so not Taehyung! Unless... unless he had already had fun elsewhere. Yoongi hid his snigger. Jin had also stopped blind dating and never met Ethan anymore. So, there must be something between Tae and Jin! Now Yoongi was almost sure about it.

"I'll go first." Taehyung got up and brought his tray with him.

"Have you noticed any changes in Taehyung?" Yoongi's question provoked the other two, right after Taehyung left.

"Since Jin Hyung going on blind dates? Yeah, that was so obvious. Everybody can see that." Jimin chimed in.

"He looks calmer lately, though. I mean, since we started to have lunch together again, I see he wasn't as depressed as before."


Yoongi smiled and nodded his head. Just as he thought! Things seemed to go well between them then.



The door's lock made a soft sound when Taehyung unlocked the key to the house that he had been staying in for the past couple of weeks. The house that he felt like a home already. The one where his love lived.

Coming home to this always felt heartwarming every single time. There was warmth and comfort that washed over him as he stepped inside. The familiar sights and scents evoke a sense of ease, relaxation, as well as protection.

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