Jin at first was angry when he heard Namjoon utter about abortion , he though how could that bitch even think about that . He wanted to slap that fuckin slut at that moment but he controlled himself. As he continued listening his anger soon dissappeared and unknown emotion took place in his heart , Jin hated feeling like this .He left from their not wanting to hear anything else.

"Hyung don't think like that . You not gonna die ."

Namjoon sadly smiled ,"I don't wanna die Hoseok , not when I am bringing them into this world. And not before my brother gets Justice. I might need your help reading some documents would you be able to make some time ??"

"Of course hyung anything for you " Hoseok said and hug Namjoon .


As soon as Namjoon entered his room he was harshly slapped by Jin , Even before Namjoon could say anything Jin pushed Namjoon on bed and hovered over him .

"What ??-"

Namjoon couldn't even complete his sentence when Jin slammed his lips on him . Namjoon thrashed in his hold and tried pushing away Jin but Jin was acting like he had lost his mind.

Namjoon was growing tired and let his hands fall on his side. Tears escaped his dragon shaped eyes .

Namjoon moved away his head forcefully to otherside making Jin furious than he already was.

Namjoon whimpered when he felt Jin nails dug into his cheeks to point it draw out blood.

" Leave me Jin-"

" Shut up and don't you even dare talk with anyone else in this house from now on. You seem to have forgotten what I had said you last time. But guess what I got do something that you won't be forgetting about it again.
And this kids are mine only mine, I am the father I -"

Even though Namjoon was in pain he laughed when he hear Jin calling babies his.

Jin sink more nails into his cheeks drawing out blood and making Namjoon hiss in pain.

But that didn't stop Namjoon from speaking.

" They aren't yours Jin they are mine.You don't have fuckin right on them so fuckin stay away And it's better to see my kids without a father than you being one. "

" Namjoon !!" Jin yelled and smacked Namjoon hard. The slap was so powerful that it knocked Namjoon out.

Jin grabbed Namjoon's hair pulling him closer and said darkly ," You are mine and so are they. I will make you have only me Namjoon. I will make you forget everyone , Namjoon . Your only option would be me Namjoon ,Only me."

Saying this Jin kissed Namjoon's lips and get off him .

His gaze than fell on baby bump but he didn't touch it. And just like that Jin spend rest of night sitting and looking at baby bump and Namjoon.


" Appa appa I - I need money ." Taehyung uttered to Mr Kim

" Why don't you ask that wife of yours Taehyung??" Mrs Kim said even before Mr Kim could speak.

" Shut up Mrs Kim, and Taehyung haven't I told you before I don't have single penny for useless stuff of yours. I have wasted enough money on you already and look what did I get from you ? Nothing . You are just useless Taehyung. You are not even intelligent like Jin ...I wonder why are you like that ? Why can't you be like Jin ? You and Jungkook both are disgrace to my lineag-"

"That's enough Mr Kim , you have spoken enough and if you hate us so much than who the fuck asked you to keep us with you? You should have thrown me and Taehyung to orphanage that would have been thousand times better than livung with you. And what have you both ever done for us ? Nothing absolutely nothing. -

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