Ch 27

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" What are you doing ???How can you act like that Jin hyung ??"Jungkook yelled

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me "

" I would cause you acting crazy .Namjoon hyung is not only your husband but an Individual as well. He has feeling too you can't -"

" What about things he said though ? Cursing our mother ? Saying he would have rather fuck you-"

" What wrong did he said ? Huh? And who is our mother ? She ain't my mother or Taehyung's she is only your mother Kim Seokjin. Always have been . Never our's. And what Namjoon hyung said is were the one who hit Taehyung back then. . you were the one who hit me as well....have you ever think how we feel or how does Taehyung feel ? I am still in better position Than Taehyung you know cause that looser still thinks of you and Mrs Kim and Mr Kim as his family.....he still believes someday you would love him....fuckin stupid idiot can't see straight.....The only good thing you did to us was marrying Namjoon hyung cause for once their was warmth. But you know what everytime we see Namjoon hyung we feel fuckin pathatic that he has to suffer because of likes of you. But you won't care now don't you ? You-"

" You are right I don't care about you or that Taehyung or his wife or that Namjoon. I fuckin don't . You are just chess piece on my board happy " Jin screamed in frustration and went out from their .

Hoseok had cooked food for everyone . He asked Taehyung and Jungkook to help him serve.

" Taehyung you go and serve food to Mrs Kim while Jungkook take this plate to Namjoon. Make sure he eats everything and this are his meds . I will go and Talk with Mr Kim. Also call Seokjin hyung, Taehyung ."

"Hmm"Taehyung said .

Hoseok knocked on Mr Kim door but he didn't answer

" Mr Kim you have to eat food. You have to take medicine as well. Don't take out your anger in food."


" Mr Kim do you think Namhyuk would have -"

And in instant doors of room were unlocked and their stood Mr Kim.

"Don't you dare call my son's name from mouth of yours .He -"

"My friend....Namhyuk was my friend Mr Kim and if you have some time than let's talk " Hoseok said in monotone voice.

Mr Kim look tired and haggard. He allowed Hoseok to step in .

Hoseok sat opposite Mr Kim as he started narrating Namjoon's situation.

" Whatever he did Hoseok was stupid , for once keep aside this revenge thing and think how will he raise his children?? And do you really think Namjoon will able to live once Kim's know about him?"

"I ~I~"

"Moreover have you seen how Namjoon relies on Jin? He is in fuckin love with that rascal -"

"That's not tru-"

"It is Hoseok I have eyes and I can see even with you and that brother urf husband of yours. "

"You ~"

They were interrupted by knock on door followed by Mrs Kim entering room . She closed door behind her and looked at Hoseok as she cupped her face lovingly ," Go and have food your hubby is waiting for you and thank you for taking care of everything."

Hoseok wanted to say that their was no need to thank him , after all he see them as his family but all he could do was nod.


Mistake Or Fate ?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora