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() - written in between this two are thoughts

It was 9:30 at night when Hoseok reached Kim Mansion he was busy with Fest things.

"Where were you ??" Mrs Kim asked as soon as Hoseok stepped inside the Mansion.

"Work "

"Do You think I am fool?? What kind of teacher is required to work till 9:30 ??"

"A teacher who has responsibility of organizing an event ." Hoseok replied

" Trying to act as responsible teacher now aren't you?? Was your sense of ' so called Responsibility' thrown out of window when you were sleeping with Taehyung ??"

"Mrs Kim don't-"

"Don't you dare raise your voice inside my House , you whore. It's only because of your whorish personality that your lover didn't marry you - "

"Mrs Kim Stop your fuckin Nuisance don't make me open my mouth " Jungkook said threatening her , he had just return back home when he saw the scene

Mrs Kim Smirked ," Impressive Hoseok !!! God damn impressive you haven't been here for a day and You already got Jungkook wrapped around your finger . Tell me did you slee-"


Hoseok slapped Mrs Kim hard making her stumble backward,

" You insolent brat how -"

" One more word out of your mouth Mrs Kim and you be regretting it "Hoseok said his eyes red .

Mrs Kim gritted and went from their ," You will regret this Hoseok "

Jungkook helped Hoseok upstairs,
" You know you were super dupper cool back their hyung "

Hoseok smiled and ruffled his hair , he misses Jimin a lot. But he need to have patience.

When Hoseok reached his room he found Taehyung was already asleep .

Hoseok took bathe and quietly sat on his side of bed not wanting to wake up younger.

He took up his laptop and started working.

Hoseok was in middle of his work when he felt Taehyung's hand on his waist and his face nuzzling to his side.

Hoseok gazed at Taehyung and sighted. He kept his laptop at side desk and gently removed Taehyung's hand from His waist and tried rolling him but that brat held his waist in tight grip again.

He tried squirming away from his grip but his grip only tightened.

After much difficulty Hoseok managed to get out of his grip and by the time he was done he was already covered in sweat.

Glancing at clock which show it was around 3 in morning he Sighted and mumbled to himself ," I am getting old 😭 from tomorrow I am going to do exercise."

<Who will make him understand he is not getting old it's just that his hubby is too strong >

Switching off Laptop and lights Hoseok fall back on his side of bed

Hoseok groaned when he again felt Hand on waist well that wasn't all he also felt Taehyung's leg wrapped around his waist . Hoseok left hand was locked by Taehyung's hand and his leg and his right hand he couldn't move at all as Taehyung was hugging him .

Even before Hoseok could think of getting away from Taehyung He felt Taehyung's lips on his neck.....sucking ??

( What the fuck he is doing )

" Where are you running away from me my strawberry.....let Tae Tae have taste of it .."
Hoseok hear Taehyung sleepily mumble before he felt Taehyung bite his neck causing him to moan out loud but Taehyung cared ? No he was busy eating his Strawberry.

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