Chapter 231-240

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set up
dark night
 Chapter 231 Ye Jingya also felt the cool breeze coming from the sea after dark.

  It's just that other people feel the biting cold, but Ye Jingya feels very cool.

  Because of this coolness, Ye Jingya did not return to the safe house. Instead, she squatted on the beach and continued to fish for boxes. She felt that the weather like during the day might not be the only one. I was afraid that it would get hotter and hotter in the future.

  The current temperature naturally has no effect on her.

  However, the temperature continues to rise, and when it reaches a certain level, it will also have a certain impact on her. Taking advantage of the cool weather, she quickly stocked up on more supplies.

  But after dark, the sea will be filled with sea fog.

  There is even that kind of black shadow in the fog, which is a challenge for most people who want to fish outside at night.

  Those things not only have the coldness to invade the human body, but can also evoke the most fearful images in people's hearts.

  The more afraid you are, the more you will fall into fear.

  When fear reaches its maximum, it can even lead to hallucinations.

  Many people who died inexplicably at night were frightened to death by fantasy because of fear, and became the nourishment for sea ghosts.

  But today, Haiyouhun seems to have arrived extremely late.

  It was completely dark. Ye Jingya caught two boxes, but no shadow came over yet.

  But she always felt that the water flow on the sea seemed to have slowed down.

  And there seem to be fewer boxes.

  Ye Jingya put the fishing rod on the chair, stood up and looked into the distance.

  The thick fog in the distance seems to have become smaller.

  Normally, there will always be small waves on the sponge, but today it seems that the sea is calm on the sponge, and there must be no waves at all.

  Even Ye Jingya felt that the surrounding sea level seemed to be a little condensed.

  After waiting like this for a long time, Ye Jingya never caught any boxes again, but waited until the sea surface froze.

  Ye Jingya even carefully tested the ice surface twice. The ice surface was not strong at first, but after a while, the ice surface could bear Ye Jingya.

  It was originally a very dangerous night, but Ye Jingya was too curious, so she tentatively walked away.

  As time went by, Ye Jingya felt that it should be around midnight.

  The weather was starting to get colder at this time, and she felt a little underdressed.

  Fortunately, she carried her own system with her, so she took out her down jacket from her backpack and put it on.

  He held the enchanted sword he had just brought from the island in his hand, and carried the enchanted bow on his back.

  She continued walking forward, silently counting the time in her mind.

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