Chapter 141-150

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  Chapter 141 Information Channels
  Although a group of people were afraid of these raccoons, it was impossible not to enter such a good safe zone, so even though they knew there was danger, they still chose to stay.

  Similarly, Ye Jingya asked each of them to exchange valuable things for points cards. When everyone got the points cards, their expressions were in disbelief.

  Chen Wenbin was the first to write his name. When the points card changed from an ordinary card to a glass texture, he felt it instantly.

  The points card in hand shows a variety of items, and the points required are marked with numbers below the items. As for the source of points, Boss Ye also said that anything of value can be used.

  This thing that went against the current scientific principles shocked him greatly. He originally had many concerns about this place. After all, when he came here, there were more mutant beasts than people, and the person in charge was still a little girl. This made him feel uneasy. Too stable.

  But after he saw the magic of the score card, he had a different belief in Ye Jingya.

  After Ye Jingya settled everyone down, she inquired about their professional abilities and recorded them one by one in her notebook. She planned to observe them for a few days and then arrange some work for them based on their respective strengths.

  Although there is no salary for working for her, there is a future. This safe zone will eventually belong to all humans, not hers. At that time, the group of people who first formed the safe zone will be the future backbone of the safe zone.

  She hopes that her safe zone can thrive healthily, so her character must be examined in many ways.

  In this way, a small path was slowly carved out of this forest that had never been touched by humans.

  Hope New District, who has been asking about Ye Jingya, also knows about this place, and plans to send out the first surrender team.

  Bai Ziyu contacted many of his former colleagues in the past half month. They all said that they just wanted to live a good life and advised Bai Ziyu to press Stable since he hoped that Weidong City in the new district would give them a place.

  But Bai Ziyu didn't want to. He had seen too many people struggling to survive outside, and was used to seeing Ye Jingya's indifference and willingness to actively rescue ordinary people. He couldn't close his eyes and pretend everything was fine!

  It just so happened that this time, in order to capture Ye Jingya, Weidong City actually sent a convoy of 1,000 people to Kulu Mountain. The foot of the mountain was where Ye Jingya stayed.

  Before Bai Ziyu formed the team, he spread rumors in the safety zone, saying that this operation was specially customized by the district chief for later promotion personnel, and that all subsequent personnel would be reused.

  Because Weidong City already valued this operation and chose to believe it, Bai Ziyu's rumors spread all over the place without any further promotion.

  As long as there is some connection, people who are closely connected with Weidong City will try their best to get into this team.

  At the same time, although Bai Ziyu's comrades are almost dead, they still have good relationships, and not all of his friends with good character are dead. It's just because they don't move around often that others ignore Bai Ziyu's personal connections.

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