Chapter 221-230

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  Chapter 221 Survival at Sea 24
  This turned out to be a diamond box that has always been shining brightly.

  Ye Jingya couldn't even imagine what was in the box. It turned out to be a diamond-level box.

  She quickly opened the box and found seeds inside again.

  She counted and found that there were three packets of seeds in the box, each containing three seeds.

  One of the packages is red, round, and particularly beautiful.

  The red seeds are small, like acacia beans, but different from the acacia beans. The seeds are watery and translucent, like red gems.

  The other pack contains green seeds, which look exactly like the red seeds, but turned into green gems.

  The last packet is purple seeds, also of average size.

  Ye Jingya placed the seeds on the trading platform for identification.

  Unexpectedly, these seeds are the fruit tree seeds of the Fruit of Strength, the Fruit of Agility, and the Fruit of Magic.

  No wonder there are only three of each kind in these three packets of seeds.

  If she can plant these seeds alive, she will have a steady stream of attribute fruits.

  Originally, she was still worried about how to complete this mission.

  You must know that her small shop can only sell some ordinary food and items, which is not of much use to the people of this world, let alone help them transform from ordinary people into new humans.

  Unexpectedly, there is no unstoppable path, and I actually got the seed of the fruit of attributes.

  As long as she can plant attribute fruit trees on the island, she will have a steady stream of attribute fruits.

  At that time, not to mention ten new level 20 humans, hundreds or thousands could be piled up with fruits.

  But the top priority now is to find a way to grow plants on the island.

  She had already tested it with seeds last time, and the seeds in this world could not take root and germinate in the sand. Which means she needs to find another way.

  Ye Jingya no longer cares about fishing for boxes, she just wants to find a way to plant these seeds quickly.

  The earlier she harvests, the earlier she can complete her task.

  So Ye Jingya sent an inquiry message in the chat channel, hoping to communicate with anyone who had information.

  If that doesn't work, she can just pay a high price to buy the information.

  Anxin Shop: "Does anyone know how to grow things on the island?"

  Her appearance caused a commotion, and everyone was attracted by her topic.

  I am number one: "Has Mr. Anxin got any seeds? Oh my god, aren't we playing a game? Before I have enough food and clothing, the boss has already started to enter the agricultural society."

  I am number one: " How can you compare with the big guys?"

  I am number one: "I am your father."

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