(Slightly Irritated tone) The new recruits are supposed to be your job. So if there's a problem with them, that means there's a problem with you.

They've only joined less than a couple of months ago. It's a bit difficult to train 'em properly when we've been almost constantly on the move as of late.

(Slightly Irritated tone) I don't pay you for excuses, Leonidas. I pay you for results.

No excuses, just a thought my lord.

(Slightly Irritated tone) Yeah, well you can save some effort by keeping those thoughts to yourself and focus more on getting these damned rookies to fall in line before I end up taking matters into my own hands.

She glanced at the light scar that ran down Leonidas' cheek, which was mostly hidden by his beard, and smirked.

After all you and I both know how things can turn out when that happens and the recruits get too full of themselves that they end up pissing me off.

Leonidas subconsciously touched the part of the scar that came up above his beard and gave Xena a small half grin in return.

Yes. But it can be quite the lesson, my lord. And very effective too if I may add. That is, if they're lucky enough to get the opportunity to learn said lesson and not end up with a one way trip to Hades himself after meeting the end of your blade.

Xena motioned to the man behind the bar to bring her a drink. He brought it over, and she picked it up as she looked at her men sitting in various places around the room.

Well if they're smart enough it isn't a very difficult lesson to learn quickly.

Very true my lord.

Gabrielle stood by silently, listening to the conversation as Xena made quick work of her drink before putting the mug down and walking towards the door.

Enough idle chatter, we have things to do today. Let's go.

Leonidas stood and saw Gabrielle standing nearby.

Um, my lord?

Xena stopped and turned around.


The girl. If I'm coming with you, what do we do with her?

Xena let out an annoyed grumble as she looked around, realizing that she couldn't just leave the girl to her own devices if Leonidas was with her as he was the only one she trusted not to do something stupid if Gabrielle was left alone with him. Not to say that all the rest of her army there weren't trustworthy, but the girl was her captive for the time being, and in actuality Xena's biggest concern was the girl giving her men the slip and escaping. And Xena didn't want her running off. After all, she still wasn't convinced that Gabrielle wasn't being used as a tool in some way by one of her enemies. Of which there was a rather extensive list. Most of whom Xena wouldn't be surprised if they resorted to using such an unassuming young woman to try and trick Xena into lowering her guard. But Xena wouldn't be so easily fooled. Regardless of who this girl truly was, Xena was determined to keep an eye on her, at least until she had the time to fully assess who this Gabrielle was and decide her fate. So without any better options Xena looked at Gabrielle for a moment before turning back towards the door.

I guess we have no choice but to take her with us. Now keep an eye on her and let's go get this over with already.

Gabrielle watched as the Conqueror walked out the front door and looked beside her when she felt a hand on her back.

You heard the lord Conqueror little one. Let's get going. It's best not to keep her waiting.

Gabrielle was gently guided outside where she was walked along with Xena and Leonidas through the busy streets of Olympia. As they moved through the city Gabrielle thought of taking the chance and making a run for it. Surely at least one of the many people around would help her, wouldn't they? Or perhaps she could just simply get lost among the crowds and slip away before either of the other two noticed she was gone. But could she actually get away in her condition? After all she was still experiencing quite a bit of pain from her injuries and knew that she would be much slower than usual, which admittedly wasn't all that fast anyway. But even so she would at least be more agile than she was in her current state. Regardless Gabrielle quickly came to the conclusion that no matter what type of condition she was in, if she were to suddenly try to escape by running away, she'd almost certainly be caught before she made it far. And what would happen to her afterward? Gabrielle was certain that the Conqueror would not be happy with an attempted escape and would surely do something to her as punishment. That is if she didn't just out right kill her right there in the street. Suddenly almost as if she had read Gabrielle's mind, Xena put a hand on Gabrielle's shoulder and spoke quietly into her ear.

(Quiet tone) Don't go getting any ideas while we're here. Trying to run away will only guarantee that your life will come to a very painful end. Understand?


(Quiet tone) Good girl. Now when we get where we're going I want you to stand there and be quiet. You're not to say a word unless you're directly spoken to. You're also not to speak a word to anyone about what you hear today got it?

(Thinking to herself) Who would I even tell?
I won't, I swear.

Good. Just keep that in mind, and it might work in your favor when I decide what to do with you.

It wasn't long after when they arrived at the front door of a large three-story building. Gabrielle noted that it looked fairly elegant. Even compared to most of the other buildings in the city, which were all a very far cry from the simple structures that Gabrielle had been used to seeing in her home village and the few neighboring buildings she had seen from time to time when she would venture just outside the village. Olympia certainly was a beautiful city Gabrielle thought as she momentarily forgot the circumstances of which she now found herself in this vast settlement. Reality returned very quickly however as Gabrielle's eyes landed on Leonidas who walked up the number of stairs that lead to the front door of the building and stood by the set of doors which had a couple of guards posted in front of it. He then stood at attention and waited as the Conqueror began ascending the steps next. Mid-way up she suddenly stopped and turned back towards Gabrielle who still at the bottom of the steps and gave her an unhappy look. Realizing that the woman was clearly waiting on her, Gabrielle walked up the stairs and followed Xena as the guards appeared to recognize Xena and opened the doors, allowing all three of them to enter. Inside Gabrielle followed the other two up another set of stairs and down a small hallway until they came to a large pair of doors with a couple of guards standing in front. They, too, recognized Xena but didn't move as the trio stopped in front of them.

My lord Conqueror, what brings you here on this fine day?

Petrodes in?

Yes my lord.

Good that makes my life easier.

Xena then proceeded to effortlessly shove the guards out of the way and threw the doors open with a loud thud as they collided with the walls behind them on the other side. The noise startled the man who was sittng with his back to the doors, causing him to jump slightly before he turned to look behind his chair to see his unexpected guests as Xena flashed an insincere smile.

(Ominous tone) Hello Petrodes. Long time no see.


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