• • ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ xxx • •

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Mike listened to her before nodding. Glancing at her as he was happy having her in his arms again. Wanting things to be over and all of them safe again. He wanted to be in bed with nothing like death to worry about.

"I found you two both badly hurt and decided to bring you back her." Vanessa spoke.

"They tried to kill me and saw she was with me and tried to kill her too, Vanessa." Mike replied. "But you... you must've already known that by now." He added. Keeping Lilith in his arms. Running a hand through her hair.

"Mike." Lilith spoke.

"It's true." Mike replied to his name. Turning to face Vanessa. "The same with Max's brother and his friends." He continued.

Vanessa glanced away from them. She knew that it had all been wrong but it had not been her doing at all. Guilty about what she had to hide.

"You knew about them too, right?"

"It's complicated."

"Yeah, sure."


"Lilith. She knew." Mike scoffed a bit. "More complicated than what? Than possessed robots murdering innocent people?" He asked.

"They weren't innocent." Vanessa spoke.

"They were human Vanessa." Lilith spoke up. "Just like those kids."

"Abby is innocent and they want her!" Mike chimed in.

"Mike-." Vanessa spoke.

Mike didn't let her even finish her sentence like he had done with Lilith. "You saw Abby playing with them and you didn't bother to let me know at all! You had every chance. You knew exactly what they were capable and let me trust you."

"Mike please.. just..."

"Abby is in danger!"

"Mike. Calm down. We will get to her in time." Lilith spoke at the moment.

"Tell me what exactly happened." Vanessa spoke.

"In my dream.." Mike started as he glanced at the floor. "They told me that they wanted Abby. They kept asking for her. In the moment of being dazed by seeing my family reunited I said yes. I thought it was what I wanted but it's not."

"It was a mistake." Lilith added as she shook her head. "They can't get to her. I can't let him win."

"What do they want with my sister?" Mike asked.

"To turn her into one of them." Lilith answered instead of Vanessa doing it. Unaware that they had already gotten a hold of Abby and had taken her to the Pizzeria without their knowledge. Glancing at Vanessa a bit as she knew they would have to tell him the truth eventually. It was now or never.

Vanessa knew as she leaned against the wall. "In the eighties, when those kids went missing.." She began as she glanced at him before glancing down. "The police searched Freddy's up and down. Top to bottom. Anyways they could search. Every each of the place was looked into. But they were never really found."

Mike listened to her intently as he focused. He knew it was important information she had never let him hear before. Keeping Lilith close to him at the moment.

"The man who took them.. he was.."

"He was a monster. A very bad man. Ill intentions from the moment he opened the place." Lilith spoke as she glanced at her hands. Staying seated on the stretcher and glancing back at her boyfriend.

"A very cruel man indeed." Vanessa spoke. "Very clever at that too." She added. "He knew that the parents would cry and that police would launch an investigation on the place. He was aware of there being one place they would never bother to look into because..."

"Why would they?" Lilith finished her sister's sentence. "Why would anyone in their sane mind think so? Mike."

Mike faced Lilith as he sat besides her. Holding her hand. "It's okay. You can tell me."

"It's not just their souls inside those animatronics.." Lilith spoke.

"What?" He asked.

"It's.. it's also their bodies." Lilith added.

"You have to understand, the kids, they don't want to harm anyone. It's- it's always been him." Vanessa spoke. "He is able to influence them o-or have control of them somehow. I don't know how." She added.

"He destroyed and took everything away but they don't have their memories like before." Lilith spoke. "I can talk with them sometimes without his control on them but it takes me a while."

"Who? Who is this person you two are always mentioning?" Mike asked.

"I tried to warn you." Vanessa spoke. "I really did. It's too late. You're too late Mike. He already knows that you're looking for him for what he did. He'll be coming very soon."

"You need to tell me who he is? Who the hell is this guy?"

Lilith reached over before holding his hand. "Mike."

Mike glanced at her as Vanessa grabbed something out of her pocket. "Lilith." He spoke.

"You'll see me differently after this but.. you need and deserve the truth. You've waited so long."

"Lily." Mike spoke as he glanced at her. "I won't."

"You will." Lilith spoke. Letting Vanessa show him the picture she had on her.

Mike was confused before being handed the picture. Glancing at it at the moment as he was shocked.

"His name is William Afton." Vanessa informed.

"He's our father." Lilith spoke. "The one you saw trying to take me away the first time and who managed to really take me away the second time."

The picture in his hand being of two young girls and a guy with a bunny costume. Noticing the familiar plane in Vanessa's hands. Moving away from Lilith a bit. "You knew?" He asked.

"M-mike.." Vanessa spoke.

"This whole time.. you two knew."

"N-no." Lilith spoke as she shook her head.

"My brother... you knew."

"Not about Garrett. No." Vanessa spoke truthfully. "At least... not when we had met. I'm so so so sorry."

Mike listened as he glanced at Vanessa before glancing at Lilith. "What about you?"

"I watched him kill my friends..." Lilith spoke. "I never knew he had done that to Garrett. If I had known.. he would've died by my hand a long time ago."

Mike believed her as he still knew she was the type to act on her threats. If he was still alive he trusted her words. Hugging her lightly from behind. "I believe you." He spoke quietly.

Lilith listened as she glanced at him. "I tried to stop him when he had me down there. It was barely lit and it was cold. He kept going for hours with his torture."

Mike held her head to his chest. "Just tell me how to stop them. How to save my sister. You two must know a why to stop him."

Lilith thought about it before opening her mouth to speak.

"No." Vanessa spoke up a bit.

"No what?"

"She plans on taking him on alone."


"I have to do this Michael." Lilith spoke. "I warned him and after everything he has done... I need to put him to rest with his crime. I need to so that he can burn in hell for killing them. I owe them that much for not being able to save them all those years ago."

"It wasn't your fault." Mike spoke.

"It was. I was in the doorway. All it took was one scream but I froze and he became too friendly towards me. Telling me that I would be just like him. I am not going to be someone he wants me to be, or let him control my life, and continue what he started." Lilith replied to his attept to comfort her.

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