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Mike had stayed with his girlfriend for as long as he could. Making sure that she was getting some sleep since he slept for a while back at the pizzeria. Moving her slightly onto the bed as he got up and quietly left the room. Making sure that he made no sound. Unaware of someone being behind him.

Turning to walk away as he jumped a bit. "Jesus Abby." He mumbled. "Can't be sneaking around like that."

"I wasn't. I called your name and you didn't reply. I didn't see Max here either." Abby spoke.

"How long have you been awake?" Mike asked.

"Not long." Abby spoke. Having woken up around five minutes ago.

Mike was a bit relieved to hear that as he had not wanted his sister to know what happened between him and Lilith behind closed doors.

"Where's Lilith?" Abby asked. "I want to draw with her."

"She's tired right now. It was a long and weird shift and I want her to rest." Mike spoke. "So we have to be very quiet, okay?"

Abby listened as she smiled and nodded in agreement with him. "Okay." She quietly spoke. "We should make her breakfast in bed together."

"We should." Mike replied in agreement. "But only if you agree to stand back just in case." He added.

"Okay." Abby spoke before walking to the kitchen before him.

Mike ran a hand through his hair as he was a bit glad they hadn't been caught. Walking after Abby as he focused on getting breakfast ready.


It had been a long morning for the siblings as it was the first time that Mike was able to share a moment like that with his sister but he was glad that the one who had gotten them closer was the one that he loved dearly.

"Done." Abby spoke as she set the plate and looked at their work. "Do you think she'll like it?"

"I am sure she will love it." Mike replied to her as he smiled a bit. "Ready to go wake her up?"

"What are you two planning in here?" A voice spoke from the kitchen entrance.

"Uhh.. nothing." Mike spoke as he tried to act like they hadn't been planning anything.

Abby felt a nudge from her brother as she stood in front of the plate to hide it from her. Not saying anything since she knew it would be more believable.

"I feel like you're both hiding something." Lilith chuckled as she stayed in her spot. "I am going to guess you two don't want me in here."

"We don't." Abby spoke bluntly since she was still young and Lilith knew that.

"Well then I'll be in the living room if you both need me." Lilith replied to her words.

"Great." Mike spoke. "We just need to finish something in here and then we can all sit together."

"Sounds good to me." Lilith spoke before excusing herself and leaving the two siblings to plot away. Heading to the living room to relax on the couch.

"That was close." Mike mumbled.

"Only because you couldn't lie." Abby huffed a bit.

"I can lie very well." Mike huffed back.

𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 ➤ 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐭 Where stories live. Discover now