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"This place was huge in the '80s with the kids. It had been shut down for years and the only reason they haven't given it the old wrecking ball treatment is because the owner is a bit of a.. Well, he's kind of a sentimental guy, I guess." Steve spoke through the phone.

Mike listened to him speak. Hearing the story the place had behind it. Not really sure what to say and letting him finish instead.

"He can't bring himself to let it go just yet." Steve laughed a bit. "Yeah.. We've had some trouble with break-ins over the years. Mostly drunks and vagrants. Not very ideal. The security system is a bit dated but fully functioning and easy to work with. There's floodlights on the outside, cameras on the inside and out. Fair warning: the electricity is a bit iffy."

Mike kept up with what was being told to him as he glanced down at the table. Waiting for Steve to continue.

"If anything happens, there is a breaker in the main office. All you have to do is flip it. Uhh, I guess that would be about all you need to know. You know, the rest is pretty easy to do. Just keep your eyes on the monitors and keep people out. It will be like a piece of cake. So, I will catch you on the flip side. Hopefully."

Mike listened before hearing the call end as he place the phone back down. Having the address and the information he needed before glancing over at the two still entertained by the tv. Glancing back at the phone as he called Max. Asking her to babysit Abby for them so that they could start their first day of work.

Getting the phone back in place once the call ended as he got up. Walking into the living room and plopping down on the couch.

"How'd it go?" Lilith asked as she glanced over her shoulder at him.

"I think it went well. We got the job." Mike spoke.

"We?" Lilith asked.

"Yes. I asked him if you could join and he said yes. He's going to do a background check but everything seems good to go. We start tonight."

"What about Abby?"

"I called Max. She should be here soon before we have to go."

"In that case I need to go change again." Lilith spoke. Getting up from the floor to get going.

Mike reached over towards her. Grabbing her wrist before tugging her to him. Watching her land on his lap. "Just relax for now. We can worry about that later."

Lilith listened as her cheeks were pink. "Fine. I'll sit back down." She spoke.

"I'm not letting you go." Mike whispered to her as he kept holding her and watched the tv. Letting Abby keep her cartoons on and simply enjoying being able to relax for once.


Once it was getting dark outside Max had arrived to the home. Waiting by the door as she watched Lilith and Mike dressed and ready to go.

"Oh. I didn't know you were both going out." Max spoke. A bit sour that they were going together.

"We have work." Lilith spoke. "Just keep the place locked and Abby safe."

Mike listened as he nodded in agreement. "Hopefully you won't have to worry about too much going on." He chimed in. "Abby should be asleep soon. Come on Lilith."

Lilith listened as she nodded before glancing at Max. "If anything happens you can call me first." She spoke before walking out of the house with Mike. Heading to the car as he opened the door for her.

Mike waited until she was in before closing the door behind her. Walking around as he got into the driver's seat. Having the address with him before taking off.

Leaning back on her seat as he drove Lilith gazed out the window before gazing back at him. "Mike?" She called his name in a question.

"Hm?" Mike asked. Keeping his gaze on the road but having his attention on her.

"I was just thinking about something." Lilith spoke as she glanced ahead as well.

"And what would that be about?" Mike asked.

"Well.. we don't really get much time together. I was hoping we could have Max watch her and do something together. Maybe go on a date one day." Lilith spoke.

"Lilith.. you know I don't want to leave Abby alone for too long. Even when it is with Max watching her." Mike responded to her.

"I know, I know." Lilith sighed a bit. "I just wanted to spend time with you too."

"We spend a lot of time together." Mike replied.

"Yes, watching Abby or when you could find days to rest." Lilith replied back to him.

"I thought you liked her." Mike glanced at her once before glancing ahead.

"I do but I want to be able to spend time alone with my boyfriend too. We don't do dates." Lilith glanced at him.

"Lilith." Mike spoke.

"Okay, okay.. I won't ask again. Sorry." Lilith spoke as she glanced out the window. Pressing her head against the cool glass.

Mike noticed as he kept his focus on the road. Not saying much after as he glanced at the address once more. "Lilith.. I-."

"It's fine." Lilith immediately responded quietly. "It wasn't important anyways."

Mike let out a small breath as he drove into the parking lot of the place. Coming to a stop when he parked in one of the empty spots.

Staying in the car as silence filled the space between them. Lilith glancing at the time as they had a few minutes before their shift started. Sitting there quietly as she picked at her sleeve.

Mike noticed as he tried to reach over to hold her hand. Watching her hand move away from his subconsciously. "I'm sorry, okay?" He asked. "I just want to keep Abby-."

"I know. You want to keep Abby safe and happy. Away from letting history repeat itself. She's important to you and I understand." Lilith replied before he could finish his sentence.

"You make it sound like you aren't important to me." Mike spoke.

"That's not what I'm saying or my intention but sometimes it can feel like it." Lilith lightly confessed. "When I go out I see couples going on dates and holding hands. I want to be able to do those things with you too Mike." Lilith added.

"I am trying here Lilith." Mike spoke. Turning to face her. "Okay? I am stressed about getting a better job, dealing with my aunt, the social worker, Abby, the papers to hand custody of Abby to Aunt Jane, and then this new job. The last thing I want to stress over is a relationship."

Lilith listened to him speak as she was stunned by his words. Glancing at him as she said nothing at first. "Right. Of course." She finally spoke before nodding. Making her own decision on the spot. "You won't have to worry about a relationship anymore then. I will move out before the end of the week or some and look for a different place."

Placing a strand of hair behind her ear before unbuckling her seatbelt. Stepping out of the car. Holding back how she really felt about his words and how deep they had cut. She understood his position and didn't want to make it harder on him.

"Lilith." Mike spoke as he got out of the car and shut the door. "I.." He spoke as he didn't know what to say.

"Our shift is about to start." Lilith changed the subject quickly. "We should head inside Mr. Schmidt."

Mike listened as he glanced at her before glancing away. Not saying anything else and unlocking the place. Walking inside first.

Lilith watched as the door swing close after him. Keeping her gaze on his silhouette before she couldn't see him. Taking a moment as she soon walked inside to get her shift over with.

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