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Once they were both done cleaning they took a seat as they glanced at the work they had done. Taking a moment to catch a breather.

"I win." Lilith spoke.

"You cheated. Going ahead of me is not fair."

"It's not fair? It's not my fault you were slower than me."

"Still unfair. I guess that means you get the first name."

"I was thinking about Garrett."

"What?" Mike asked.

"I was thinking that if we were to ever have a baby boy we can give him the first or middle name as Garrett. I can pick something else if you feel uncomfortable with it."

"No. No, I was just taken by surprise by that but you picked that name first and that makes me happy in a way. I like that."

"Well he is your brother. He's part of the family too."

Mike listened as he glanced at her before holding her hand. "He is." He spoke lightly before placing his head on hers.

Lilith kept her head leaning against his as she held him. "You should go to sleep."

"What? Why?" Mike asked confused. "I don't want to leave you awake alone."

"I feel safe knowing you are in the same room as me. I know that your dreams help you try and look for clues about your brother." Lilith spoke as she glanced ahead. "He's important to you and I wouldn't want you to miss any sleep. It's something that means a lot to you."

The silence from him was enough to make her a bit afraid that she had said something wrong. Moving her head away from him as she faced him.

His hand immediately moving to her cheek. "You have no idea what that means to me. How much your words make me happy you are in my life." He spoke lightly. "I am happy that you got my ring on your finger and we are going to be more than a couple."

"We've always been more than a couple of years Michael." Lilith spoke as she used his full name. "You've always been my partner in crime and my other half. Someone that I can lean on. You also come with an adorable little sister." She teased at the end.

A small chuckle leaving Mike as he liked when they had conversations like that. Especially when they had time on their hands from cleaning the place up quickly.

"I am serious though. She's very cute." Lilith spoke.

"She is. She's also helped me see how well of a mother you would be. Mischievous yet caring. Daring and very determined but also protective." Mike spoke. "Those are only some of the loving qualities that you have."

"And what would you add to the list?"

"You're smart, strategic, brave, fierce. You don't back down when you set your mind onto something. Hard working, charming, always excited to start something new or learn new things. You're adventurous. You bring that into my life and when I feel like I'm crumbling you lift me up. Without you I'd be very lost."

Lilith listened to him as her face had warmed up by his words. "I think you got it wrong. Without you, I wouldn't be here and be the person that I am. You saved me in more ways than I can ever explain." She spoke. "And I will do anything to do the same for you."

"I guess we were just meant to be."

"I know we were."

Mike smiled as he glanced down at his feet before glancing at her. "We really are."

Lilith chuckled softly. "I am pretty sure we make a very sick team."

"Oh, for sure." Mike spoke as he grinned.

Sharing a laugh together as they stayed seated on one of the tables. Keeping their hands locked together in one another's hold before glancing into one another's gaze lovingly. Fully in love with one another.

Listening to the comfortable silence between them, Lilith thought about something. "Do you think we can really do the whole parenting thing?"

"I do. Why do you ask?"

"Nerves." Lilith spoke. "I'm nervous that I wouldn't be doing a good job. I didn't have a good role model growing up and my mother.. well, I never really met her."

Mike rubbed her hand. "You will be wonderful. I don't doubt it."

"You had wonderful parents." Lilith spoke.

"I did. They taught me everything good I know. I will always help out with whatever is needed and you will not be alone in this. We're a team and we will not give up on our future kids."

"Right. We can do this." Lilith spoke as she lit up before grinning. "I am going to make you dress in matching outfits." She added.

Mike groaned playfully. "Not matching outfits." He spoke.

"It's not going to be bad. I think we can be matching for like family pictures or for like holidays."

"You have things planned out already. Have you been thinking about this for a while?"


"Why didn't you tell me sooner? We could've started trying."


"What? I'm being honest."

"I didn't know if you wanted kids and you looked stressed most of the time. Bringing up kids when you weren't in a good place would've added more for you to think about. I didn't want to make you stress anymore."



"Another one of the many things you made me fall for you with. You're thoughtful." Mike explained. "You also put others before you. Which you need to let yourself be put first."

"It's not my thing." Lilith spoke as she felt his hand move to her stomach. Glancing down before glancing back at him. "But I do know that I like seeing you happy and making you happy." She smiled.

"I like making you happy. In an odd way I also like when we have our small arguments. We always come back and fix what happened. To me it makes out relationship stronger, don't you think so?" He asked.

"I agree. I mean we're not perfect. No one is. It's just another thing that makes this conversation a memorable moment. We have our moments. Any couple would have their own arguments and a way to patch that up."

Mike rubbed her stomach a bit as he listened to her. "I agree." He spoke before placing his chin on her shoulder. Enjoying their moment. "I want to make more memories with you. See more places with you and doing new things. I will do everything I can to keep you, Abby, and our little future one safe and cared for."

"You're too sweet." She teased.

"I am not."

"You are. I think it's very lovely though." She chuckled.

Mike chuckled with her before shaking his head. "I try to be. I think you bring that side of me out more than I'd like to be showing it at all."

"You should be showing it more. You're always tense and serious. I want you to know you can let loose and be relaxed."

"I know, I just have a lot to think about."

"Of course, I understand. I also know you're human and need a break too. Lean on me when you can't go on and I'll walk alongside you. I'll always be on your side."

"You are definitely the one." He teased.

Lilith giggled as they continued their conversation together for a while longer. Letting themselves become loose and have a good moment to express their thoughts with one another. Heading back to the security room to find Abby still asleep before taking a seat. Him on the chair as he pulled her onto his lap after setting himself up to sleep. Snuggling closer to her before closing his eyes.

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