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848 21 2

Mike had gotten them cleaned up and dressed once more. Letting his girlfriend sleep as he enjoyed watching over her. Placing a hand over her stomach and hoping that they could be parents. His chin rested on her shoulder as he kept his chest pressed to her back lightly.

Lilith stayed asleep in his hold after their shift and their intimate round. It was something she was opened to but never thought he would want to try. Quietly breathing in peace as his presence was enough to keep the bad nightmares away for a while.

It gave both of them a sense of comfort that they could be there. He would do anything for her after all. Watching her back as many times as he had to. He wanted to be there for her as many times as he could.

His mind wondering back to the drawing he had seen in Abby's room. It was absolutely freaky to him how his sister was able to draw the kids from his dreams before going to work with them. Glancing at Lilith and wondering if she had told her anything.

Doubting that his girlfriend would since he hadn't mentioned what the kids looked like to her yet. Only giving a slight brief explanation of what he saw. His hand rubbing her stomach before coming to a stop when he heard the door being knocked on.

Getting himself out of his thoughts before sneaking out of bed. Leaving her there to sleep. Covering her before walking to the door. Opening it slightly before noticing Abby.

"I'm hungry." Abby spoke quietly.

"Oh, right. I will be there in a second. You go take a seat." He spoke. "Okay?"

"Okay.." Abby spoke before walking away. Going into the dinning room and taking her seat.

Mike moved away from the door before walking back to Lilith. Placing a strand of hair behind her ear before placing a peck on her forehead. Leaving the room shortly after and couldn't help but leave the door slightly opened just incase he needed to run in there to help.

Heading into the kitchen at the moment before rubbing the back of his neck. Getting a few things out before getting breakfast ready Abby. Making something simple before setting the plate before Abby.

Abby noticed as she began to eat. Eating the food he had made for her. Quietly biting into the toast.

Mike watching her from his seat at the moment. Playing with his fingers as he didn't know how to bring it up to her. "Hey, uh, Abby." He spoke up. "We need to talk about last night, okay?"

Abby listened to him as she placed her food down. Glancing towards her brother. Not saying a word towards him at all.

"Um.." He tried to find the right words. "So um.. those, those machines-."

"My friends?" Abby interrupted him.

"Your friends?" Mike asked her. "Um... are they..?"

"Ghosts?" Abby finished his question for him.


"Of course they are. How else could they make the robots move?"

"Right." Mike spoke as he glanced at her.

"Can I have some more soup?" Abby asked.

"Yeah. Sure." Mike replied. Getting up from his spot and walking into the kitchen. Turning the stove on as he grabbed the pot as he got it over the fire. "Hey, Abs. You know we used to have a brother, right? Garrett." Walking out of the kitchen a bit. "I don't... I don't really talk much about him."

"Neither did mom or dad." Abby spoke as she knew there were things they didn't want to bring up. Something she felt she shouldn't bring up.

"Yeah, it was hard for them. It's hard for me too." Mike replied. Thinking about something before grabbing the drawing he saw in her room earlier out of his pocket. Walking back over as he unfolded the drawing and handing it to her. "Can.. can you explain this to me?" He asked.

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