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565 22 1

Lilith was unaware that Mike had decided to go to work with Abby again. Having no sense of time where she was. Quietly sitting on the chair she was forced to use. Still looking for a way out of the hell her father had decided to put her through.

Gathering her breath as she felt like it had been days. In reality it had been just a few hours. Her hair a bit all over the place in a mess. Her mouth having duck tape so she wouldn't be heard by anyone. After all they were in her father's secret room within the pizzeria.

Having kept her prisoner there before Mike had arrived to work. Her cheek bruised, her lip having a cut to it. Blood running down her temple as she wasn't in good condition.

Her hands feeling like they would be going numb if she didn't do something. There was nothing she could do though. Flinching a bit when she heard footsteps coming her way again.

William stepped into the dimly lit room. His face barely seen as he watched her. "This is... I hate doing this to you sweety." He spoke. Walking closer to her as he crouched to her level. "But you leave me no choice. You have disobeyed me many many times."

"Fuck... y-you.." Lilith spoke as she glared at him.

William listened as he glanced at her. "You can't stay mad forever."

"I.. don't care."

"Come on. You'll enjoy it just as much as me. I know Vanessa has been doing somethings for me but you.. you have that same flame in your eyes like I do."

"I am.. n-nothing.. like you."

"You can say that all you want but we both know I'm right." William spoke as he held his knife before taking a seat across from her. "You are like me whether you like it or not."

Lilith listened as she lowered her head before lifting it as she glanced at him. "I will never be like you." She spoke coldly.

William looked at her amused. "That tone says otherwise. You can change your name all you like but you will always have a part of me with you. That blood running through your veins confirms it."

"You lost that father title a long time ago." Lilith spoke. "A father wouldn't tie his daughter up and just torture her."

William laughed a bit. "Well, those who misbehave and runaway from me need to be taught a less. It hurts me to do these things to you sweetie but you won't be leaving again."Getting up from his seat as he set the knife down after. Moving away from her a bit. "Besides.. I plan on using your sister to get that Mike away from you and to get him in the right spot."

Lilith listened before moving the chair as she tried to get up. The chair scrapping the floor loudly. Watching him turn to her. "When I get out of this chair I will make you regret ever saying any of that. Especially to my face."

"He dumped you, get over him already."

"No. I left him but you don't get to threaten the people I care about." Lilith spoke as she tugged at her hands. "I won't let you."

"Good luck ever trying to get out of here then. You will stay here for a very long time. You're in good hands." He smirked.

Lilith huffed a bit. "You mean yourself? Trust me. I'll find some better hands." She spoke before wincing as she stopped her own movements.

"I wouldn't say such things like you have some hope."

"I don't need hope." Lilith spoke.

"Definitely my daughter. Well, I will get going now. I have big plans for your 'lovely' nosy ex and his annoying sister. Two birds with one stone."

Lilith listened to him as she knew she would have to act fast if she wanted to help them. Plotting for a way out of there and back to safety.

It was something she knew he wouldn't hesitate about. It was something she had seen happen a long time ago. Back then she wasn't able to do much as a kid but she was older and she was stronger than that time. Her hands resting from squirming about.

Listening to the silence that filled the room she was in. Contemplating a lot of things at the moment. She was fuming at both, her father and Mike. She didn't feel like Abby should be part of the problem however. Hearing odd sounds above from her and not making a sound. Cautious that it was one of her father's traps to have a reaction from here.

It took her a while to realize that the sound above her was coming from the familiar animatronics of the pizzeria. Glancing up before glancing back down. "I know you're watching." She spoke up.

The blonde boy from Mike's dreams coming forwards before simply glancing at her. Not saying anything at first. "You are aware he might find out, right?" He spoke a few seconds later.

"I have a few minutes before he does."

"You always know what to do. What do you want my help with?"

"I need you to keep him away from Mike and Abby."

"You know I can't do that. Once this conversation is over it will be back."

"I know." Lilith sighed. She was desperate for anything to work. Thinking about what she could do.

"He kept asking, you know, about who the guy was."

Lilith listened as she glanced back at him. "Did you tell him?"

"No. I don't need to. He has a hunch. After all he did fail the first time in taking you." The boy spoke.

"You can't let him find out."

"Oh he won't be finding anything out. Not unless you know who wants it to be known. Which he doesn't."

"I just need to get out of here."

"They're here. I'm sure you can hear them moving around upstairs."

"Knowing Michael.. he would come to work and bring Abby with him even if I told him not too."

"You'd be surprised who else is here."

"Who?" Lilith asked.

"Vanessa. She was here before he even arrived. She probably saw him leaving."

Lilith listened as she glanced away. Knowing Vanessa was still on their father's side. She knew that he was trying to start things though and didn't let things get to her.

The young boy walked closer. Glancing at her hands tied. Seeing the red skin and her injuries. "Looks like that hurts."

"How did you know?" Lilith asked sarcastically.

"Don't get smart with me." The boy stated before reaching towards the rope behind her back. "I'll only help you a little bit." He continued before moving back.

𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑺 || 𝒎𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒎𝒊𝒅𝒕Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant